Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Simple Surprise For Sister

--by Jen Davies, posted Feb 20, 2006
I plan to put one in each of my sisters lunches with a special surprise snack and note of love. I will then give them 4 more cards to encouarge them to take part in their own acts of kindness, while I use the remaining cards with random acts when I see a need. I hope encouranging my sisters when they are young will help them and their friends discover a joy of helping others that they will carry on throughout there lives.
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Sowing the seeds of kindness in the hearts of young ones is the best thing we can. You did a wonderful job. May the seeds blossom into big tree of kindness in the near future.
dhivyashana wrote: Nice :)
Simple and awesome
rocket_dad wrote: Very sweet and thoughtful of you
moybean wrote: Excellent! I hope you're continuing to share kindness in creative ways, and that your sisters are doing the same.
jsmc10 wrote: This is such a great idea, put a smile on my face just thinking about it :)
kayakool wrote: < awesome.
KrystynaM wrote: Great idea. I often put notes and little surprises in my children's lunch, just to give them an extra smile :)
intentionalB wrote: What a sweet idea. As well, kindness and gratitude to grow through acts such as yours~
sarah wrote: hi my name is sarah.i love this storie!
Deo wrote: The Love of a baby starts with a Mum. Gloomy faces scare children, and so smiling brings hope to a child.

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