Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Top 10 Stories of 2012 - Story #7 - Where is Jeremy's Egg?

--by helpfulguy, posted Dec 25, 2012

Jeremy was born with a twisted body, slow mind, and chronic terminal illness that had been slowly killing him throughout his young life.  Still, his parents had tried their best to give him as normal of a life as posible and sent him to St. Theresa's Elementary school.

At the age of 12, Jeremy was only in second grade, seemingly unable to learn. His teacher, Doris often became exasperated with him.  He would often disturb the class by squirming in his seat. drooling, and making grunting noises.  

Sometimes, he spoke clearly and distinctly, as if a spot of light had penetrated the darkness of his brain.  Most of the time, he just irritated his teacher.  One day, Dorris called his parents and asked them to come to St. Theresa's for a consultation.

Jeremy's parents sat quietly in the empty classroom in front of Ms. Doris, and she exclaimed to them, "Jeremy really belongs in a special school. It isn't fair to him to be with younger children who don't have learning problems.  Why, there is a five year gap between his age and that of the other students!"

Mrs. Forrester cried softly into a tissue while her husband spoke."Miss Miller,"he said,"there is no school of that kind nearby.  It would be a terrible shock for Jeremy if we had to take him out of this school.  He really likes it here."

Doris sat for a long time after they left, staring at the snow outside the window.  Its coldness seemed to seep into her soul.  She wanted to sympathize with the Forresters.  After all, their only child had a terminal illness.  But it wasn't fair to keep him in her class. She had 18 other youngsters to teach, and Jeremy was a distraction.  Furthermore,he would never learn to read and write.Why waste any more time trying?

As she pondered the situation, guilt washed over her."Oh God,"she said aloud,"here I am complaining, when my problems are nothing compared with that poor family.

From that day on,she tried hard to ignore Jeremy's noises and his blank stares. Then one day he limped to her desk, dragging his bad leg behind him.

"I love you, Miss Miller" he exclaimed, loud enough for the whole class to hear.The other students snickered, and Doris's face turned red. She stammered, "Wh-why, thats very nice, Jeremy. Now please take your seat."

Spring came and the children talked excitedly about the coming of Easter. Doris told them the story of Jesus,and then to emphasize the idea of new life springing forth,she gave each of them a large plastic egg."Now," She said to them, "I want you to take this home and bring it back tomorrow with something inside that shows new life. Do you understand? "Yes,Miss Miller!" The children responded enthusiastically.  All the children responded except for Jeremy. He just listened intently; his eyes never left her face.  He did not even make his usual noises.

Had he understood what she had said about Jesus's death and resurrection? Did he understand the assignment? 

The next morning, 19 children came to school, laughing and talking as they placed their eggs in a large wicker basket on Miss Miller's desk. After they completed their math lesson,it was time to open the eggs.

In the first egg, Doris found a flower."Oh yes, a flower is certainly a sign of new life," she said. When plants peek through the ground, we know that spring is here." A small girl in the first row waved her arm. "That's my egg Miss Miller" she called out.

The next egg had a beautiful butterfly in it, and one had a rock with moss on it. Then Doris opened the forth egg,it was empty! Surely it must be Jeremy's she thought, and of course, he did not understand the instructions.

She put that egg down so she wouldn't embarrass him. Suddenly Jeremy spoke up and said " Aren't you going to talk about my egg?Flustered, Doris replied, "But Jeremy-your egg is empty!" Jeremy look into her eyes and said softly "Yes, but Jesus's tomb was empty,too!" 

Time stoped. When she could speak again, Doris asked him. "Do you know why his tomb was empty?" "Oh yes!" Jeremy exclaimed "Jesus was killed and put in there. Then his father raised him up!"

The recess bell rang. While the children excitedly ran out to the school yard, Doris cried.  The cold inside her melted completly away.

Three months later, Jeremy died. Those who paid their respects at the funeral were surprised to see 19 eggs on top of his Jeremey's casket, all of them empty.


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Readers Comments

touched wrote: Omg! This story was so amazing! I started crying when jeremy died. I seriously just started crying. I barely ever get emotional. This is probably the second time i am crying after reading an article. I hope jeremy had a happy life.
thaata wrote: Ms. Doris might not have known the impact she was having on jeremy but the concern and love she sent his way had wonderful effect and thanks ms. Doris for making jeremy's last days a happier ones. My heart weeps for all the jeremy. S of this world.
taiwo wrote: This has really show d jeremy cares and well understandin both it take tym b4 d teacher cud understand him,wat a great lesson,nevr irgnore pple dat re sick 1 way or the other cuz dir special kids,that need cares,wat a really touchin story. Lov u all frnds
bhadz wrote: I understand. Very touching. I am a maid and taking care of an autistic child akso. It irritates me so much because of his un usual behavior sometimes and im having a hard time sleeping. But it always melt my heart everytime he told me i love you and hug me out of the blue. If my mood is not ok and he seems read my mind that im very lonely he would always tell me i love you ang hug me very tight that i cried. They are really sweet in thier own way
Peacehunter wrote: Thank you for the reminder of purpose. I have an empty egg in my home to remind me to never forget. Bless xo
ThisWilPass wrote: Thats a beautiful story - very well narrated. Thank you very much for sharing such a nice story.

Take care
Teri wrote: What a beautiful story to read on christmas day! And what wisdom jeremy was gifted with. Thank you for sharing your lovely story. Peace on earth
sheila wrote: That story is still touching & heart warming. I, too can relate to that sitution. It makes u look at yourself a little closer.
jsmc10 wrote: This story is amazing. It does make you think about your situation against someone else's. He sounded like a beautiful soul :)
Mtalii wrote: Touching story. My bro, the youngest in our family, is 21 but can't read or write. Handicapped mentally but i love him big tym. He loves dancing n does it well; he gives our family joy every time we gather together. They're delicate to live with but when understood, just like doris did, interacting with them is fun n satisfying. Thanx for the story; i can relate with it. God bless those who live n love this kind of kids/persons; it's nt easy.

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