Readers Comments
unknown wrote: Helpfulguy, this story did break my heart in a way but also placed hope in those broken quarters ... I just know how much I take my life for granted in a way but I also seem to know that Jeremy's is as 'real' as my life is and why must such a soul be ignored ... It breaks my comfort zone, my lack of intelligence in seeing the light of such intelligent souls around ... Thanks for sharing, Deeper.
Bluebell wrote: Lovely story. Thank you for sharing. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
josietn wrote: I am in tears after reading this story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Me29 wrote: Very touching story, heartbreaking but beautiful too.
thaata wrote: The story moved me so much that tears ran down my cheeks. We mortals do not understand the ways of god. Jeremy made me understand true love that children possess.
Barbara Belkoff wrote: I am in tears as i write this. It reminds me of my brother who died of health complications at age 57. He was mentally challenged and at his funeral all who attended; caretakers; those who lived with him in the group homes; and family-all had stories and paid condolences. He had made an impact on others around him. Never dismiss the challenged-they make and leave their mark!
Ollie wrote: This story touched my soul so much , here i 'am , worried over my car repairs and a busted hot waster tank when all i have to do is count my blessings and be happy. Let this be a lesson for us all. God bless
Tina wrote: I can't even imagine how this teacher did not have compassion for this poor, sick child instead he was a source of irritation to her. She did not stop to think he can't help how he is and only wanted him out of her class room. Stooping so low as to calling his parents in and making them feel even worse than they already did. This child understood and felt so much more than she let herself believe. No matter what jeremy is a cherished, worthy, beloved child of god, no matter what his condition. Even jesus was moved to tears when he saw the sick and infirmed. This story moves me to sobs.
sandra wrote: What a touching story - it made me cry, and that is truth. I have a down's syndrom grandchild, and know that those with special disabilities usually have a most loving disposition, just as jeremy did. Blessings and prayers for his family.
Arlene wrote: Thank you! For sharing your story there is always someone who touch our hearts so deeply and will never forget.