Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Secret Handshake Puts It Right

--by hasifa, posted Feb 7, 2012

Yesterday was my step-mom’s birthday. I haven’t been home in a long time so I wanted to stop by the house to see her on this special day. 

I have been struggling financially so I was dreading the long trip. Gas is so expensive nowadays! Anyway, I filled my tank with gas and set off. 
I stopped at the shopping mall and found a present. It was the perfect gift and I knew she would love it. But when I got to the cashier my card was declined! I did not have enough money in my account to pay for the gift! 
So I pondered the issue for a few minutes. I could put it back and get something cheaper, but I knew there was nothing else in the store she would have liked as much. So, I got on my smart-phone and transferred some money from my savings account so I was able to pay for the gift. It took a big chunk of my savings but I wanted her to have something special. 
She loved the gift and I felt that even though I had spent almost all my money my step mom deserved the best and I was glad I gave her the best that I could.  
Before leaving my parents’ house my dad took me to one side and, with our secret handshake, he gave me some money. I had not said anything to him about my finances but I guess dad's just know. When I got to the car, I saw the amount he gave me was three times what I had spent on the gas and the gift!  
It goes to show that doing the right thing always comes with great rewards.


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Readers Comments

Bambino wrote: I feel exactly the same way! Me and my brother have 3 different hand shakes and were always so creative with what we come up with its amazing! I also feel like doing good things comes with good rewards because again, its all karma!
Raymond Sia wrote: Give and not ask for returns/rewards but you would be reward in unexpectedly ways. Thanks for the gifts of love.
Nmin wrote: As far as i know you can use it max after a week, so be sure you'll be able to use it after few days. Wish you happy shinpopg essie:))
DIANA wrote: When things are done with good intentions and love, no regrets are ever felt.
Morgine wrote: Bless you. I had a similar thing happen when i visited my 88 year old mother and it was a bit of a stretch for the air fare, car rental and all, however, i had not seen her in over a decade and it was a beautiful visit. Once when we went to dinner, my father in law pulled me aside and gave me money to cover my air fare and car rental. I thanked him and said i would save it to visit again. He said no, i want you to get something really nice for yourself for a change! Wow. I was so surprised. I have only one big laptop i take everywhere even though it is heavy. I have no desktop. So i bought a very light small one to travel with! Give and the world gives back to you! I felt more blessed than words could express!
sethi wrote: Thank you for being abundant. Abundance starts from within and then manifests on the outside. That has been my experience in life.
joeldude wrote: These stories and this web site are like a spiritual light in the darkness of the internet. This is the first place i start each day and these stories remind me that i am a just human and we all able to share and help each other if we wanted to. I do ;-)
Thank you! -joel
Joy wrote: What a great example of how what we send out comes back multiplied! Many blessings.
Lillian Rivera wrote: How sweet and amazing what love brings out in all of us. I have two wonderful children and from time to time i too love to give my children the secret handshake. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful storie.
thaata wrote: Wonderful. The love in your heart made you go all out(financially, in spite of difficulties) to make your step mom happy.

However the ending is somewhat not to my liking - it implies that doing good brings its own rewards.

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