Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Personal Growth On The Freeway

--by hasifa, posted Feb 6, 2012

This morning when I got in my car I said a prayer. I prayed that God would help me become a better person and I prayed He would allow me to experience personal growth. 

As I pulled out and headed to work I said I was going to hold myself accountable for all the things that I know prevent me from being that better person.
As soon as I got on the freeway the madness started. People were driving crazily, not courteous at all. So I was getting mad and impatient. And then a car came out of nowhere and the driver cut in front of me so recklessly that I had to slam my foot on the brakes to avoid from crashing into him.
In that moment a string of curse words entered my mind and my arm raised in anticipation of blaring my horn! My other hand prepared to flash a rude gesture at the other driver. 
But! In that split-second something occurred to me. I remembered my prayer. So I asked myself, would all the things I was going to do contribute to me becoming a better person? The answer was, no. On the other hand, I knew that practicing patience and self control would help. So I settled myself and promised to deal with my road rage issues. 
I was cut up by three more cars before I made it to work, but each time I smiled instead of my usual grunting and complaining. I’m already feeling like a better person.


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Readers Comments

bookworm58 wrote: You are indeed a special person. It takes faith to not lose your temper in midst of traffic hazzles. I ride the bus all the time but i see what happens on the road all the time. If only people would slow down and be nice and thoughtful to each other. Your patience is a good lesson for us all.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for your Hasifa! Patience and restraint can be a wonderful way to show kindness!
RMB333 wrote: WOW! What willpower you ARE great Hasifa!
Thank you for sharing ... Your determination inspires me so much! Bless you!
Rindy wrote: Beautiful story. Just the other day i said a similar prayer, God I don't want to be irritable, please change me. To get to work i use public means. The following day on my way to work God decided to make me go through all sort of things that irritate me, i was mad, then i would tell myself, Lydiah you ain't getting mad today, at the end of it all i laughed so hard, and i was like "God's sense of humour. After a series of such moments im a better person. Change starts when we decide. Can i recommend a read (Your Best Life Now - Joel Osteen) and Seven Things that Steal your Joy by Joyce Meyer.
Bluebell wrote: I am blessed to live in a small town now, but I know exactly the feeling of having your life in danger several times in one day due to road madness. I always have a picture of Archangel Michael in my car, even today and I always ask protection when I am driving and I firmly believe that I have been spared from a few dangerous situations by his infinite grace. Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell

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