Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Morning Walk

--by rachel lapierre, posted Jan 30, 2012
It was a beautiful morning and I decided to take advantage of the lovely weather and go out for a walk.  I was feeling grateful for the fresh air, sun shining, and birds chirping and all of a sudden came across this sign on the sidewalk!  It said "good morning, go on an adventure, make a stranger smile".  

What a wonderful and unexpected message to read!  Random acts of kindness come in so many different shapes and forms, I'm scheming of how to pay it forward this week! 

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Readers Comments

whitby98 wrote: Yay! There are more of us out there than we know! I love finding such unexpected things. Thanks for posting that.
Diane Clark wrote: How about leave some money on the sidewalk with a note for someone to get a coffee or coke after their walk.
Joy wrote: Reading this made me smile. Many blessings.
thaata wrote: A good idea for starting the day with smile and kindness.
bookworm58 wrote: Thank you for sharing this message.

Its true there are lots of us making people smile every day
Katrina wrote: Thankyou. I enjoyed your story very much. Sometimes it seems too hard to find a way to be kind so it's nice to remember it can start as simple as a smile and to recognise many of our own everyday everyday acts that we take for granted as being kind.

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