Readers Comments
Bluebell wrote: Thank you for sharing your story. The beauty of life is that there are loads and loads of Angels out there just waiting for an opportunity to be of service, some have wings and some don't :-) I am very blessed because I have found a number of Angels in my life. May your always have a host of Angels to keep you safe and to show you the way. LOve and Light and Endless Blessings, Buebell
annjav wrote: I think you were very lucky to learn early in life that it is better to latch onto friends who make it easier to do good. My hope is that I'm the sort of people who help everyone to be better, and I think that is how you are too. Thanks for your wonderful HONEST story.
Laugh every day, even if it's only at yourself. Love and blessings.
Laugh every day, even if it's only at yourself. Love and blessings.
trueblue wrote: i admire your honesty :) and now you are wiser and kinder...if we didn't make bad judgements and mistakes in life we wouldn't be the people we are to are a savior angel on your way to becoming an earth angel.. in other words a beautiful friend and compassionate young adult... sending you a big cheesy smile too... :) smile and the world will smile with you...
Bluxess wrote: Nice, as trueblue says, I am touched by your candid sharing ... Not many does this ... I am very glad you have a positive life force to look upto ... God bless her immensely. Thanks for sharing Nice. Bluxess.
Nice wrote: thank you guys :)
You seem to have a optimistic approach towards life. Hope there are lots more like you.
You seem to have a optimistic approach towards life. Hope there are lots more like you.
HappyDae wrote: What a beautiful and insightful story....It is wonderful that you so readily recognized in another what your heart truly wanted you to be. are off to a bright, happy and fulfilling future..
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Those are not small things at all but fibers of kindness we should all have. I believe everyone comes into our life for a reason. Sometimes we may not ever find out why and other times we are blessed with seeing exactly why they did, as you were able. Thanks for sharing and keep on that great path! ;)