Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gratitude for a "Glimpse of Hope"

--by bella_ammi, posted Feb 28, 2012

I want to stop and tell you all how amazing you are. I have been reading some of your stories and I am in tears now -- good tears though. I have been through so much and things are so hard for me right now. I have just recently freed myself and my children from a really bad marriage.  He is currently in jail for domestic violence and attempted murder,  If that says anything.

Living this life of violence and abuse for so long, I thought when I left him that things would be so much easier, that everything would fall into place. I never expected things to be so hard. I have been looking around for some inspiration and something to distract me from the struggle I have been going through with starting over and I stumbled across this website.

It is nice to see that kind-hearted people are still out there. It is so nice to see that there are people out there who still care about others. I was losing hope in all of humanity, so thank you for showing me people still care. I really needed that little glimpse of hope. Thank you for helping me stop and breathe. 

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Readers Comments

HappyDae wrote: There is much goodness in this world....and you are part of it. You have shown your strength by removing your children and yourself from the abusive (and destructive) atmosphere. I hope you will seek out the help you need to make a new start by contacting a Social Worker who can advise you as to the services available to you. A call to a Domestic Violence Center in your area may be the first step or a call to the DHHR in your area. Sending Love and continuing prayers,
Bluebell wrote: Dear Bella, welcome HOme, here you will find endless Loving Kindness and the reason why you arrived here is that you belong to this world of Love and Light, you always did and you always will. I wish a brand new start. There was a lovely soul that once said, "we can not change the past but can alway start afresh today and have new future. If you need help navigating the site just let me know. Love, Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
moral12 wrote: There IS goodness in this world; I think it is also good to be receptive to it. Let others know of your needs; people really do want to help if they can. I have discovered this over and over. Welcome to this site and take heart-things will get better for you and kids now that you have taken the hardest steps and removed yourself (and them) from the abusive situation.
Kudos to you! Hang in there.
annjav wrote: You are very strong to have made the move away from such a bad situation. I pray that you will find resources in your community that will aid you and that you will find much great support and good people around you locally. Please visit here often. We will cheer you on!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: There is more kindness in the world than we realize, if we only look for it. Or even better, help spread it! We truly all can change the world, one kind act at a time! :)
Bluxess wrote: Bella ammi, if you didn't realize this ... you have managed to stand on your feet today despite the circumstances that surrounded you in the past ... I am so proud of you ... That's the first step ... Your next few steps seems harder and I empathize with you ... As Makesomeonesmile says, let's see how we can help each other by one act of kindness at a time ... I promise you that you will receive what you want ... you just have to ask ... Immense Blessings to you, Bluxess.
laughingcow wrote: Big hugs to you and your children. You are so strong. Welcome to this kindness family. Prayers and blessings sent your way. : )
Bluebellgirl wrote: There is good people and kind energy in the world, we just have to keep an open heart and look for the right people. In the end, only kindness matters. Peace to you <3
BellaAmmi wrote: Thank you all for all your amazing comments and all the support.. Unfortunetly I didnt come up with all the money I needed to stay in my house so my kids and I will be going to a shelter.. But I have faith that things will work out.. They have to.. I really appreciate all the support you guys have given me.. It feels nice to hear such amazing words. Thank you again from me and my kiddos
BHANOT wrote: Look at world with kind heart,you will find all kind hearted people around you.

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