Readers Comments
Bluebell wrote: Dear Angel, I have been there and know exactly how it feels, I also had my days in which I would pass someone, and thought "I will give when I come back" and the lesson is that then the moment is gone and I lost an opportunity of being of service. I think this happens because we find it very difficult to live in the present, it is either the past or the future, it's either I could have helpped or I will help, the challenge is to be 100% in the NOW. Nowadays I give whatever I can if I don't have pounds I give pences, but I give. I have learned that is the act and not the amount that counts. My wishes is that this year you will be proficient in giving with both hands and a full heart. Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: It is not always easy to take action and help. We often want to do more than we do. The fact that you see that and use it to motivate you for future opportunities means it still served a purpose. May you find Bruce and help in your own special way!
Bluxess wrote: Seems like Bruce is planted there to drive you to an action you will find very endearing ... no doubt ... Oftentimes, we also get helped in the process while we actually wanted to help someone ... So, I am looking forward to hearing you out during Christmas ... You had been bold to share your own journey so long with Bruce ... That's beautiful fourplusanangel ... Immense Blessings to all of you, Bluxess.
whitby98 wrote: Wonderful story! I too tend to look away when I see a homeless person. To alleviate my guilt, I tell myself they are probably scamming or using the money for drugs or alcohol. My elderly mother always stops and gives them money. She said it's none of her business what they do with it, and if they're scamming, that's on their conscience.
The other day I exited the interstate and was trapped at the traffic light. I saw an older homeless man with a wooden cross around his neck. His sign simply said "broke and hungry." I gave him the few bills I had and I made sure I looked right at him and smiled when I did so. He took both my hands and said "God bless you, girl". I saw him walk towards a convenience store. I hope he had enough money to buy a cold drink or something to eat.
The other day I exited the interstate and was trapped at the traffic light. I saw an older homeless man with a wooden cross around his neck. His sign simply said "broke and hungry." I gave him the few bills I had and I made sure I looked right at him and smiled when I did so. He took both my hands and said "God bless you, girl". I saw him walk towards a convenience store. I hope he had enough money to buy a cold drink or something to eat.
HappyDae wrote: I think the homeless man said it all,
"God bless you, Girl" Beautifully written. Touches the heart and provides motivation for others to do the same.
"God bless you, Girl" Beautifully written. Touches the heart and provides motivation for others to do the same.
happypup wrote: This story has touched my heart. There are more and more people at every corner in my neighborhood; i have made it a point to carry cash with me to give even what little i can.
Karen wrote: Living in florida, i see a lot of homeless men and some women. And sometimes i feel guilty for not giving. I really enjoyed your story. It truly touched my heart. Your writing was profound to me. I could actually feel all that you felt by reading it. We take for granted all that we have and sometimes are not satisfied with the hand we are dealt. But god is in charge and he knows what we need. He places people like bruce in our paths for a reason.
Mada wrote: Sometimes life and the people in it can break a persons will and something as simple as haveing faith and passing on a little kindness can help heal a broken spirit. Never give up on someone even if they have given up themselves. You never know who they might help in return
Joy wrote: So glad that you are inspired to to give the gift of kindness. Many blessings to you and bruce.
Thaata wrote: I have also been there and missed lot of opportunities to serve. This story inspires and remind me not to miss out the next opportunity.