Readers Comments
bluxess wrote: I love the way you are comfortable being who you are ... This is the best humor we can share ... Thanks for all the help you have given :-) Immense Blessings, Bluxess.
Glowworm wrote: That you stopped speaks volume about your character. No reason to be embarrassed. You did the right and kind thing, even though they were fine :) Glad you're able to laugh at yourself. That is a very good ability!
Bluebellgirl wrote: Its absolutely alright to see if one is okay, i know that feeling, of constantly wanting to make a difference, it is something you should be proud of :) :)
moral12 wrote: But, even though they were "OK", it was very thoughtful of you to be so concerned about these young people. And, it never hurts to be able to laugh at yourself; you absolutely did the right thing.
unknown wrote: and had you not asked them, you likely would have worried about them after you got home, so you saved yourself from that concern, and showed a couple of kids that they were important enough to be asked after. Blessings on you for your kindness.
Katie wrote: I was once waiting for my dad to pick me up, but he was a little late. This man was walking his dog and he had already walked past me twice. He came back after the second time to ask if i was ok. I was fine, of course, but i still remember feeling so happy knowing that random strangers will take care of me if i'm not fine sometimes.
So, yeah, don't feel stupid.
So, yeah, don't feel stupid.