Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Craving For Ice Cream

--by whitby98, posted Apr 7, 2012

This morning I was running errands and had a sudden urge for an ice cream from McDonald's.  

I tried talking myself out of it; I hadn't had lunch yet; I really didn't need it; I already passed McDonald's! But I gave into my craving and turned around.
A homeless man was begging for change at the traffic lights. He looked so tired and defeated. I pulled a couple of dollars out of my wallet and gave them to him. I asked him if he was hungry and he said yes, but that the money I had given him would buy something to eat.
I pulled up to the drive-thru to get my ice cream and decided to go ahead and order him a burger, fries and a coke. 
When I handed him the bag I told him I had gotten him some lunch and he stared at me in disbelief. He immediately started shoveling the food into his mouth, which clearly told me how hungry he was.  
As I started to drive away he said, "I love you!"  
I said, "You too. God bless!"
I hope he slowed down eating long enough to find the Smile card I left in his bag!


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Readers Comments

Glowworm wrote: Aww, that's wonderful :) May God bless you for your thoughtfulness. He surely gave you that ice cream craving for that very purpose :)
threedogsmom wrote: What an inpsiring story. Thanks for sharing. I know God shined through you today to this man and his life was made better because of you. He now has hope.
cabbage wrote: Yay!!! Thank you for taking the time to make a difference :-) Big hugs to you--we love you too!
whitby98 wrote: Thanks, cabbage. I sure needed to hear that today. Hugs right back atcha.
bluxess wrote: Thank you for helping the poor man ... I am sure he was wanting that food very badly ... You served 2 souls, him and yourself ... Immense Blessings, Bluxess.
moni wrote: Its an inspiring story.

God bless u with all the happiness of ds world.

tiffany wrote: Great story! Thanks for sharing!

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