Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Gift Of Time To An Upset Student

--by cabbage, posted Apr 8, 2012

A student wanted to talk to me about a problem she had been having. She was due to meet me at 8.30am and I had a workshop to attend at 9. 

Well, it was a very fruitful meeting. Amidst lots of tears the whole story came out. Then we identified not only the problem but several solutions as well. She ended up feeling more confident and empowered. She knew what to do and she felt like I understood her situation.

I was so "present" with her that I didn't even notice the clock. It was 10:30 when we'd finished going through everything! 
I didn't mind about being late for my workshop and she was so glad that I had listened openly and let her go on until she was finished. 
Never underestimate the power of your gift of time to someone. These days people always seem to be in a hurry but if we are fully present for someone I think it can often make a huge difference.


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Readers Comments

sabrina wrote: ofcourse, gift of time in today's world is necessary for a lot of people. They are seeking an ear to listen to their woes. you did great. Smilessssssssss
anshu wrote: You did really very great. I think ur read my post Love & Time which is show the gift of time.It is good ur time (anshu)
trueblue wrote: Well done cabbage...we all need to be heard is so nice that you gave her your ears and time...and understanding...your an earth Angel...:-)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Bless you for taking the time. So many do not and it makes such a difference. Keep up the great work!
heartofflesh wrote: You gave your time and attention and listened without worrying about your ownwork. It is wonderful of you.
Oazha wrote: it's nice to know there is someone who will listen and give their time to you, its really a relief to the heartaches.
Bluebell wrote: That is truly a gift. Thank you for being who you are. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
peanut wrote: You gave the gift of time,without worrying what time it was. You did a wonderful thing & helped also in straightening out a problem.
moni wrote: The best gift that you can gift to some one is your time and your ears.

And you did both, that actually made the difference!

God bless u and her for this.

daisyfleur wrote: By giving time you gave a most priceless gift of all and that makes all the difference.

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