Readers Comments
heartofflesh wrote: I learnt that people with the least tend to give the most.....Please think about..Thans for your post....It is also gracious to receive.
tcsgirl wrote: Thank you for posting this humbling story. You are right in that we are so quick to judge by appearances. What a beautiful story.
moonshadowdebbie wrote: This is a great story of how not to judge a book by it's cover. We are quick to judge. I often have asked my small group at church what would happen if a smelly, dirty disheveled person walked into the church....what would be our reaction.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. God truly bless you with it and taught you a very valuable lesson.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. God truly bless you with it and taught you a very valuable lesson.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thank you for sharing your story. It is a great reminder to us all not to judge too quickly!
trueblue wrote: I love your story....
treeflowerpuzzle wrote: Some of us are a hair's breath away from homelessness, and it could be any of us. My oldest son has down syndrome and is epileptic and autistic, and my other son is mildly autistic. Issues beyond our control have forced us into serious financial problems. But we've always had a reprieve. I've been grateful for that, and my heart goes out to anyone who is homeless. As i said it could be any of us. Your story is exactly why we shouldn't judge, thanks for sharing.
KrystynaM wrote: Beautiful story. As someone who has been homeless, i know that a lot of people are quick to judge, but i do hope by simply reading your story, it has helped others open their eyes a bit and try not to judge by outward appearances. Thank you for sharing, it brought a smile to my face.
momov3 wrote: Such a great story and so many fantastic comments! But the one i love the most and the hardest to learn is from @heartofflesh: "it is also gracious to receive". You gave that woman a gift. She was able to give. Something. And as a member of this site, we all know how much we love giving. You allowed her to give instead of resisting or rebuffing her. How easy it would have been to say, "oh no. You don't need to. You don't have it. Or whatever". But you gave her the gift of giving. Now that is a gift! God bless and thank you for sharing!
Manuella wrote: Exactly!
Never be sooo quick to judge a person,specially by their appearance.
Lesson learned!
Never be sooo quick to judge a person,specially by their appearance.
Lesson learned!
Mary Beth Waters wrote: I just love this story! Thanks so much for sharing this awesome story and "letting" her receive a blessing by blessing you. :)