Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Secret Agents Spreading Smiles!

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Apr 19, 2012

Today my champion-of-kindness daughter and I set out on one of our kindness missions. 

A while back we did some random drops of envelopes filled with a dollar, Smile cards, and a note asking them to pay it forward. Today we tried a similar experiment and it was my little 6 year old’s idea.
We put a different spin on it this time. She wanted to watch people open them, as last time we loved the few we did see. So this time when we left an envelope, we watched from somewhere nearby. We made sure to only leave them when we couldn’t be caught.
The first one someone grabbed and walked off. We only followed them for a bit and then thought it best to move on to our next “victim”. The second one we sat across from and watched. It was a family who found it. The skeptical husband thought for sure it was a joke and told his wife to take it to security. She didn’t listen and we laughed as we started walking away, still paying attention to her reaction. She smiled, read the note, read the Smile cards and gave one of them to her husband. 
Apparently I still have to work with little Rachel on being discrete though, as she stared the entire time. So much for a secret agent career when she gets older!
The third was our favorite. We were in the mall and left it on one of the tables in a sitting area. Then we took the escalator and watched from above. Soon a man and a woman pushing a stroller stopped to rest. She picked up the envelope, looked around trying to see who could be watching, then opened it. She didn't see us up above and looking down. The woman’s reaction was awesome! She smiled and kept looking around trying to see if someone was watching, and we could see her reading the note to her husband. Her smile and laughter made the whole thing worthwhile.
We didn’t get to see who grabbed our last one as we had to leave to get to Rachel’s Girl Scouts event. But we had a great time and I am very proud of my little kindness kid. She wants to do it again soon and rest assured we will! Spreading kindness is so much fun!



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Readers Comments

Starbrite wrote: Awesome! I can just see Rachel watching with a big grin as her secret gifts were opened! You have a very special young lady MSS. Please give her a hug from me and tell her how wonderful I think she is. ~Starbrite
FairyBubbles wrote: Oh, that is sooo lovely - I am thinking that you have angels for children.
Aurelia wrote: Happy Happy Joy Joy...when little messengers of Love, like Rachel go to the mall! Love hearing that she was at mall giving and not spending! :) Ha ha ha! Thanks for sharing with us!
You're are a wonderful Father MSS!
~:0) Aurelia
Jacinda wrote: I agree with Aurelia you and your family are little messengers of love spreading smiles and kindness wherever you go! That is a really lovely story! Ripples of kindness!!!! :) I hope you have a wonderful day! Love & smiles, Jacinda :)
unknown wrote: Kids have such creativity which if we listen we end up doing something fabulous ... I am glad you stood to see the end of your act and share it :) Its really very soothing to read their different reactions ... I recollect when I wanted to offer a free hug, one said no, the other said yes, a small person and then a big person, I felt like a baby bird ... when I shared it, I felt so good about this, I feel the same when I read yours ... cool :):) bless ya both :))
kcsmiles wrote: Isn't it grand to watch other's reaction to your doing good? It is a wonderful thing you and your kids are doing! When I leave my envelopes, I put them down and leave as fast as I can. Keep having fun doing good!

cabbage wrote: What a wonderful story! I am so proud of you and your kids....and what a super example you are setting for them.
Hugs to all of you :-)
Great idea!!!
BichonMom wrote: I love it! I've been trying to figure out how my children and i can do something together and i like your idea. I know that they would love to be able to see how people react to kindness from strangers. What a wonderful seed you have sown. :)
Joy wrote: What a great story. So interesting to see how others react. Thanks for sharing and spreading kindness. Many blessings.
Stacy, a.k.a. Karma2Karma wrote: I am so grateful to have found this website and all of you wonderful people! I hope that someday around the globe, we are all on this journey of paying it forward! Much love, light, peace and happiness sent to all! <3

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