Readers Comments
Starbrite wrote: Awesome! I can just see Rachel watching with a big grin as her secret gifts were opened! You have a very special young lady MSS. Please give her a hug from me and tell her how wonderful I think she is. ~Starbrite
FairyBubbles wrote: Oh, that is sooo lovely - I am thinking that you have angels for children.
Aurelia wrote: Happy Happy Joy Joy...when little messengers of Love, like Rachel go to the mall! Love hearing that she was at mall giving and not spending! :) Ha ha ha! Thanks for sharing with us!
You're are a wonderful Father MSS!
~:0) Aurelia
You're are a wonderful Father MSS!
~:0) Aurelia
Jacinda wrote: I agree with Aurelia you and your family are little messengers of love spreading smiles and kindness wherever you go! That is a really lovely story! Ripples of kindness!!!! :) I hope you have a wonderful day! Love & smiles, Jacinda :)
unknown wrote: Kids have such creativity which if we listen we end up doing something fabulous ... I am glad you stood to see the end of your act and share it :) Its really very soothing to read their different reactions ... I recollect when I wanted to offer a free hug, one said no, the other said yes, a small person and then a big person, I felt like a baby bird ... when I shared it, I felt so good about this, I feel the same when I read yours ... cool :):) bless ya both :))
kcsmiles wrote: Isn't it grand to watch other's reaction to your doing good? It is a wonderful thing you and your kids are doing! When I leave my envelopes, I put them down and leave as fast as I can. Keep having fun doing good!
cabbage wrote: What a wonderful story! I am so proud of you and your kids....and what a super example you are setting for them.
Hugs to all of you :-)
Great idea!!!
Hugs to all of you :-)
Great idea!!!
BichonMom wrote: I love it! I've been trying to figure out how my children and i can do something together and i like your idea. I know that they would love to be able to see how people react to kindness from strangers. What a wonderful seed you have sown. :)
Joy wrote: What a great story. So interesting to see how others react. Thanks for sharing and spreading kindness. Many blessings.
Stacy, a.k.a. Karma2Karma wrote: I am so grateful to have found this website and all of you wonderful people! I hope that someday around the globe, we are all on this journey of paying it forward! Much love, light, peace and happiness sent to all! <3