Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Kindness Connection in New Zealand

--by Jacinda, posted Apr 26, 2012

After my story "How I Like to Use My Smile Cards" was featured, I got a message from a lady in New Zealand! The only person ever to get in contact with me from New Zealand in relation to and the only person I have heard of using Smile Cards in New Zealand except for my sisters and I :)

She has been part of for many years but never has come across anyone in New Zealand either! Thank you HelpOthers for featuring my story because she probably wouldn't have ever come across me and I come across her if it wasn't for that..

I rung her and she sounded sooo excited to hear from me and she said I made her day! Well Grace, you made mine too!! Wow! What an amazing conversation we had!! It was truly lovely talking to someone who does HelpOthers too in New Zealand! I'm going to send her some smile cards and we are going work together to get HelpOthers more active around New Zealand together!

Recently I had been thinking that I wanted to somehow further my part in HelpOthers.  I have felt like I'm not doing enough.. but this phone call has inspired me!! It has connected me to someone as excited as I am about HelpOthers!!!!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has"

I'm inspired, revived and energized to make a further step in the world around me in helping others!

Wow life is amazing when it connects you to people! Oh and its thanks to you for connecting us!

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Readers Comments

trueblue wrote: Great news........keep on smiling!
iferlamb wrote: too awesome! It is SO nice when one of your stories is featured. It makes you feel so special!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! It is awesome when we get to talk to or meet our kindness friends! :)
Aurelia wrote: Yay Jazzie.
You will do great things together! I am positive! :0) ~Aurelia
sonrisa wrote: That's amazing Jacinda! Thanks for sharing your infectious enthusiasm to help others with everyone here :)
Redrose wrote: Really Amazing !!! Do many things and Spread out Help Others more and more faster !!! GOD BLESS U BOTH !

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