Stories of Kindness from Around the World

12 Caring Women

--by bjames306, posted Apr 30, 2012

One year ago twelve friends got together and formed a group. We call ourselves “12 Caring Women".   

We meet once a month and take turns hosting the event. We each donate $20 except the hostess who donates $25 so we have $250 each month for a worthy cause.  
When we meet we discuss needs in the community and decide on a worthwhile cause. One month we donated to a single lady who was attempting to get a baby to the U.S. from Haiti after the earthquake. 
Over the past year we have helped many people in dire need. We work with the local Social Services organization as well as the guidance counselor at a local school to find people in need. If we don’t have a pressing need one month we give the money to the chaplain at the local free clinic.    
While we have helped many people we feel we have benefited much more from giving. I’m writing this in hopes that it might spur others to begin a similar group. 


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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: An inspiring idea friend :)
iferlamb wrote: I absoutely LOVE it! How wonderful.
I would love to do something similar.
iferlamb wrote: I wish I could be part of such a group.
1golddragonfly wrote: What a great group! Your story is so inspiring! I'm sure all of you have had great adventures in giving and created a strong bond of frienship along the way.
JuneBug wrote: It's one thing to do RAOK yourself, but how much more fun can it get when it's a group ?????????? AWESOME !
debgarr wrote: Keep up the good work
starryskies wrote: That's great! Good job! :) i first heard of "giving circles" in the november/december 2011 issue of green american.
barbra1950 wrote: This brought me smile and the urge to give big hugs, so i gave my best hugs to my caregiver son joe! :) if i were not disabled in bed and had money! I would be doing as much as i could for others! I say, "spectacular job ladies! " "keep it going! " god bless you all! Please, be ever so very kind, patient and health wise to yourself always! Love and huge warm hugs, barbie
Joy wrote: What an incredible idea! Thanks for sharing. Blessings to all of you.
parames wrote: Great job. Love can make change the world. Womens born to shine the world. God bless you all.

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