Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Alms And More At The Gas Station

--by sethi, posted May 13, 2012

There was an extraordinary long queue at the gas station yesterday.
I wound the window down  as the air conditioner had been switched off. That's when I saw the old woman begging alms from the occupants of the car in front of me . 
Old age had stooped her, she was wrinkled and weather-beaten. She stood silently by the car with her hand extended. She waited for some time and got no response. Then she walked over to my car. 
As she approached I got a better view of her. There were wrinkles around her eyes, but it was her eyes that struck me the  most. There seemed to be a lot of hurt and pain in them. There was a strong feeling within me that this woman had struggled a lot in her life, and in that struggle she had been reduced to this state.
There arose in me a deep feeling of love and compassion for her - a desire to reach out to her. 
She stood silently by my car with her hand extended. The small voice within me said, "Provide what is required." I immediately took out my wallet and gave her the money what she wanted, more than I normally give to anyone asking for alms.
The woman murmured some words which I could not make out. However, her eyes said it all. There was a look of gratitude for a fleeting moment and then she silently moved on.  
Leaving the gas station there was a sense of completion. In my own small way I had contributed to making life a little easier for that woman, a stranger who walked in and out of my life for just a very short time.

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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: I had tears rolling down my face when I finished reading of your post. Thank you for being the beautiful Light Being that you are and thank you for sharing your story. Loads of Love, Bluebell
unknown wrote: Yes Deepak, this might have been her last moment too, who knows, but that deep sense of being cared for, will go a long way in her life. Thank you for orchestrating grace between both of you. Warmly, deepula.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Bless you for your kindness. I am sure it meant more to her than you know! :)
Aurelia wrote: How beautiful ... reminds me of a lovely hymn "Whatsoever You Do to the Least of My Brothers, that You Do Unto Me"....When I was hungry, you gave me to eat;
When I was thirsty, you gave me to drink.
I'm sure others observed you and were inspired to do good things too.
Thank you Sethi for being so Caring and reaching out to this poor soul.


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