Readers Comments
Anonymous wrote: I used spare change from my jar on my desk and placed random envelopes on coworkers desks with have a soda on me, and a smile card inside. -fl
Anthony Schmitt wrote: A few years back, on mother's day i was eating breakfast alone at a restaurant after sunday mass. An older woman was eating alone, i paid for her breakfast and told her that my mother was no longer alive so this was my mother's day present to my mother. Best mother's day present i ever bought!
debra wrote: When i shop at my local food store, i bring my own bags. I always buy one of the store's bags for the cashier to give, anonymously, to the next customer who hasn't brought his or her own bag.
Elizabeth B. wrote: Although it isn't entirely anonymous, i will work a 12th step today in my recovery programs and call newcomers.
sethi wrote: Thank you for sharing. It is beautiful.
Carla wrote: I will cook dinner for for a sick friend.
Noor a.f wrote: I was happy today from 12 am to 5pm but from this 30 minute ago. Am disappointed to hear that they withdrew the only one 50 since last two months. I am feeling hope after reading people are paying forward. Yes let us pass pleasure to people. From my small experience i learned that people like to be happy but there is a fact that we can't happy all times. So we resist sadness. I like this great idea of giving though i feel am the most destitute of today. I borrowed today and not sure if i will repay the lender.
Yes give
Yes give
Ganesh Singh Bhandari wrote: One day i was walking along the street , i saw a note of rupee 500( nepalese currency) on the way, which i picked up because it was totally alone. On the corner of the road side , there was a beggar asking money from all passerby , but more or less were not responding him. I gave that currency note to the beggar. Some people ask me that i donated a big amount to the beggar. I told the reality to them, mean while a person claimed the same money who had lost on the way before some minutes ago. Again i paid rupee 500 to him. I laughed with this event, i was quite happy with this matter.
sabeha wrote: I rarely tell anyone about what i do, but i will today, just to give an idea.
Almost every time i go over the greater new orleans bridge, across the mighty mississippi river, i pay the toll for the person behind me. Then i speed up so they can't come up beside me. Just an act of kindness. Hoping their day is a bit better, and they will do something nice for someone else.
Almost every time i go over the greater new orleans bridge, across the mighty mississippi river, i pay the toll for the person behind me. Then i speed up so they can't come up beside me. Just an act of kindness. Hoping their day is a bit better, and they will do something nice for someone else.
Helen wrote: I was the recipient of a frappacino at starbuck's by the person in front of me! It made me feel better about the world and the people in it. I love the idea of buying a grocery bag--that helps the environment too!