Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A New Job And A New Friend

--by AURELIA, posted May 25, 2012

I started training for my new job this week. There are only four of us training and we spent four hours together yesterday talking about customer service. "Wear your smile!" they say. Well, I think I have that part "aced!" 

When the first day of training came to an end a colleague and I went to grab our things from our lockers. He was having trouble getting his combination lock to work and I heard him muttering to himself.  "Come on! Open! I'm going to miss my bus!" 
I asked if I could give him a lift but he said he lived quite far away. He would take the bus - if he could get to the bus stop in time! It was late, the mall was closing and soon the busses would stop running.
I told him not to worry, I would take him to the bus stop. And if the last bus had gone I'd take him home into the city.  
He gladly accepted and we jumped into my car and zoomed to the bus stop. The bus was There! Seth thanked and hugged me. Then he ran to catch the bus. He waved as he went and shouted, "I hope I see you around at work some time!"
Such a cute moment and it looked like I had made a new friend! I'm going to like this second job ... I just know it.


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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Yay!! What a superhero you are :-)
I'm sure your coworkers love you too!
Spoonerism wrote: Such a simple gesture but one that goes a long way! :-) Good luck with your new job Aurelia! Love Spoonerism!
magsue wrote: Congrats on your new job.

This is a lovely story. It's always heart warming when you need help and there is someone there for you. Thanks for being so caring and kind.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for you for always finding ways to make others smile. I hope you enjoy your new job too! :)
starryskies wrote: That's great! Congratulations on your new job and thanks for being you! :)

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