Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Cab Driver On A Rainy Day

--by lovelightbug, posted May 26, 2012

I woke up the other day to a phone call from a taxi driver who had my friend's cell phone. 

My friend had apparently left it in the cab the night before. The driver had called others but I was the first one who had answered. 
It was a rainy morning which for cab drivers in this big city is a very busy time. He asked me where he could drop the cell phone off. I told him the street where I lived and quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed so I could meet him on the corner. I guessed that if he had taken on a passenger of two he could have made some good money from driving all that distance.
When he arrived I thanked him and blessed him for having such a kind and beautiful soul. I was so happy for my friend who had only recently moved to this country - and I could only imagine how important his cell phone was to him! 
I asked the taxi driver for his name so my friend could thank him in person. He said my blessings and gratitude was all that he needed. Then he drove off. 
I e-mailed my friend telling him I had his phone and then met up with him to tell him how I had received it. Along with the phone I handed him a Smile card on behalf of the taxi driver and myself. My friend smiled even wider after reading the card and said he couldn't believe such kindness existed in this big city. 
Now he can't wait to pay it forward!


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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: Thank you for sharing your lovely story. It's stories like yours that make me believe that we are indeed changing the world one act of kindness at a time. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
JuneBug wrote: Starting your day walking on a cloud !!! HOW GREAT IS THAT???? :D
Aurelia wrote: That is so nice! I think that cabbie has inspired many now with his kind act. I can't imagine your friend with his phone in the Big City...he really needed it returned. Thank for sharing your story with us. It's nice to know there are still honest people ...and someone who cared enough to make sure he found the rightful owner of the cell phone. You are so nice for quickly acting and getting outside to retrieve the phone. :0) Smiles ~Aurelia
Aurelia wrote: I can't imagine your friend WITHOUT his phone in the Big City...
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very kind indeed! :)
rainbowSmiles wrote: Each moment of this incident seems to be filled with care and service for the other people. Beautifully lived time, appreciate the sharing.
blessedjcm wrote: Wonderful! That took a lot of effort on the part of the cab driver and you!
kimpdancer wrote: It's very rare to find a taxi-driver that generous and kind. What a beautiful person!
bilkis yusuf wrote: It is these acts of kindness to strangers that make this world a better place to live in. These stories motivate others to do the same. Thanks for sharing
Sundi wrote: Wow, this one brought tears to my eyes. Now i can't wait to practice a random act of kindness too. Thank you for sharing this.

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