Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Groceries Bought And Left Behind

--by PiTeacher, posted May 30, 2012

The other day I was in the grocery store. I was hurrying to get a few things I needed in between soccer games.

In the line behind me was the sweetest lady who was quietly searching through her wallet to find the money she needed to purchase the seven or eight items she had in her cart. I imagined she probably lived on a limited income and might benefit, even just a little, from having her groceries paid for her.
I turned to the cashier and said, "Go ahead. Run her items through. I'd like to pay for her groceries." 
My children, aged twelve, seven and three, quietly watched what was going on.
"I can't let you do that," the lady said. 
"But I just did," I replied. "Have a great day!" And then, smiling, I walked with my children out the doors.
As I walked away, I heard her ask the cashier, "Did he just pay for my groceries?" 
"Yep. He just did."
The act of paying for the groceries wasn't the best part.

The best part was answering all the questions from my children after my three year old said, "Daddy, why did you buy her groceries and then leave 'em there?" 


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Readers Comments

MamaPajama wrote: I love your story! What an amazing act for your children to witness. This will probably stick with them forever. I can't wait to do this with my kids.
Brianna wrote: What a blessing. My brother lives on a fixed income from social security and every chance i have i help him out. It is a kind heart that some people still have that makes the difference between talking about doing it or actually stepping up to the plate and doing it. I say you hit a grand slam with kindness from your heart.
Rita wrote: That was very kind to offer, and as said, a good influence on children, but here is something to consider. I am an elderly woman, and could definitely be searching in my purse to find my money, b ut that does not mean i cannot pay for my groceries. And i would sorta resent the presumption because i am elderly and a bit slow in responding, that i need charity. Maybe instead help taking the groceries out of the cart for me, or if the store does not have the service, bring them to the car. Just a thought.
kimj wrote: I think this is a great story but i really enjoyed the part about the kids with their questions, that is something good for them to actually experience at a young age, the act of giving, what a great thing.
Bree wrote: So beautiful! Thank you, this is such a wonderful idea :) and what an amazing lesson you've taught your kiddos!
Dhaarmika wrote: Great story and even better for the kids! Thanks for sharing!
Debbie wrote: Fantastic story & a wonderful way to teach your children.
ceasons wrote: Thank you for teaching your children a beautiful lesson of giving.
Joy wrote: Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful act of kindness.
mightym wrote: Bless you for that kind and generous act. I do fund raising to help the seniors in our community in need and am amazed at how a simple meal or hello will cheer up their day.

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