Readers Comments
smileon wrote: It's so nice that you can show your daughter an act of kindness by example. It will help teach her how to treat others in times of need:)
JuneBug wrote: I think if we see someone in need, we don't have to know their reason, just to act on it...which you did.Two tummies got filled with the love of Jesus thru you, Aurelia...:)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You are always a great example of kindness. Everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know what it is. Thank you for always taking the time to care like you do. You are an inspiration to me often! :)
madeusmile wrote: What a great teaching opportunity for you and your daughter...not to mention those of us here reading your story. I'm glad that he was strong enough to ask for help. Bless you!
dubonnet wrote: Wonderful modeling of behavior
denisemj wrote: Wow! Truly amazing. Thank you for sharing :)
peanut wrote: Your daughter was with you & witnessed your act of kindness that was amazing, especially that you were low on money.
Busygirl wrote: Thank you for sharing and reminding others that we teach others by example. You have blessed others and reminded us all we need to act when given the opportunity to help without question.
jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for being there for this person :)