Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Spreading Smiles With Breakfast

--by dreamer22, posted Jun 10, 2012

I recently received ten complimentary vouchers for free breakfast sandwiches at a popular fast food restaurant. 

I usually make breakfast at home to save time and money and have not used the vouchers. Instead, I have been leaving them (and Smile cards) in places for people to find. I left one in a co-worker's mailbox, handed a few in an envelope to a mother I saw at the supermarket with three small children, and left one by a gas pump.
Those free meal vouchers have brought me more joy from giving them away than I would've got from eating ten free breakfasts by myself! 
Every time I think of someone finding a voucher and a Smile card it makes me smile. I know the people that find them will be happy and who wouldn't enjoy a free hot breakfast?


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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: GREAT !!! You did an awesome thing !!! :)
erinvictoria wrote: Do you live in the South? My sister lives in SC and they have chicken biscuits for breakfast there, but not where I live. They are good, that was nice of you to share!
dreamer22 wrote: Yes, I live in the South. Been down here a couple of years and one of my favorite things is yummy chicken biscuits. :-)
moral12 wrote: What a nice thing to do with the free breakfast vouchers; that would certainly make my day! Kudos to you. :)
jsmc10 wrote: This is so nice of you, thank you for thinking of others that may want/need it :)

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