Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Best Day Of My Life

--by kassiewright, posted Jun 11, 2012

Today is the best day of my life!  

I say this every day before I even get out of bed! Then I think what I am grateful for - a nice warm bed, heat in my house on this cold, wintery day, coffee, running water, a nice house, my family, my health, my kids, my hubby, his job, our town, etc. Then I get up and get on with my wonderful day!
As I drove into town I saw a lady my grandma knew walking along. I stopped and offered her a ride, which she gladly accepted. I dropped her off at her destination, less than five minutes away.
Next, I did my grocery shopping - and noticed someone waiting for a ride outside! I knew her face so I inquired if I could help. "Sure," she said. "My ride won't come for an hour and I could call and cancel when I get home." And so another five minute journey was made.
Then, thankful for my Tim Horton's coffee, I offered to pay for the person behind me. I didn't know him but I left $5 towards his order, knowing it would put a smile on his face.  Then I headed home.
That's three acts of kindness in one trip to town, I thought. Now I will write them up for HelpOthers and maybe they will be contagious!


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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Those are all great! Bless you for your attitude of gratitude and for spreading kindness like you are! :)
Blessed2BKind wrote: Thanks for sharing it really is the little things that mean soo much. Blessings to you and your family. I like that you took the time to show you care when you didn't have to. Awesome!
stars24 wrote: Your kindness is incredible! I am sure that god is blessing you too. Thank you for the inspiration!
MonkeyLoverR wrote: Wow! What an inspirational post. It is so often that i wake up and think: "ok, what do i have to do today" and it lowers my enthusiasm to get going and have a great day. I hope others will find your post as helpful as i do! :-d
starryskies wrote: Thanks for the inspiring post! I love your positive attitude. It is contagious! :)
Lara wrote: Great job!
Baxter wrote: They give me ideas and inspiration for doing good deeds. Your husband is lucky to wake up to someone as positive and thankful as you each morning! God bless you, friend!
denisemj wrote: Incredible to give so much in one day. Thanks for sharing :)
JoyNow wrote: Fantastic! You have inspired me.
CindyKahle wrote: I can just see your smile as you wrote this. And for good reason! You are a blessing! Thanks for your kindness!

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