Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Three Gifts Make Quite a Day

--by SecretAngel, posted Jun 20, 2012
After donating blood this week I received a card for $10 worth of free gas for my donation. I decided to pay it forward to a friend by anonymously putting it in his locker. (He commutes more than I do!)
Later, while out running I gifted a local homeless guy $5. I see him on many of my runs and like to help him when I can. I don't really worry what he does with the money, which is one argument for not giving to homeless people. I figure that's his business and just consider it a gift.
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for being there for these people and spreading kindness with random acts :)
Bluebell wrote: Lovely story thank you for sharing. Regarding the homeless, I think the same, I don't give too much thought what they do with the money, I just see one soul asking to another soul, I can always choose to give or not to give, but what that soul does with my gift is not my choice. Keep on the fantastic work. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
heartofflesh wrote: Once we give money we have no control over it.As long as you keep following your heart the outcome is best left to God !

Truly inspiring story !
DriftOff2Dream wrote: Very nice story! I think you did the right thing in following your heart.

I came into a small (very small lol) in heiritance several yrs ago and I did the usual paid debts, got a more reliable car, and then when just a little bit was left I noticed this old homeless man sitting on the side of the road. This man had been around since I was a child. He was old when I was a child so he was positively ancient! I made my husband make a U-turn and go back to the old man and gave hime a 20. He looked at me and smiled. It felt great. I later told my dad, and he said "you know he is just going to drink it up". Unfortunately my dad didn't get it.
Aurelia wrote: Love the way you're spreading happiness and smiles :) I agree...give because you want to help...and if it makes someone smile, that's enough to make my heart feel warm. :)
~Keep up the great acts~ :0) Aurelia
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a wonderful way to use the gas card you received. May your kind heart be blessed and smiled upon often! :)

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