Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Believing in Kindness

--by whitby98, posted Jun 21, 2012

I was on a long drive this past weekend and stopped for a rest break.  I noticed a man in a wheelchair sitting by the stop sign.  He was holding a sign that read, "trying to make it home for the holidays".  I quickly dismissed it because I had no cash to give him. I watched as people drove by and either ignored him or stared at him like he was a curiosity of sorts.  I felt really badly for him.

I started to drive away but turned around and asked him if he was hungry.  For some reason, I seem to be called to feed hungry people lately.  He seemed shocked that someone was interested in his well-being and said yes, he would like a sandwich and a soda.

I know some people balk at the idea of giving money to strangers because they may use that money for drugs or alcohol or some other undesirable purpose.  Since I don't usually have much cash on me anyway, I figured it would be a good bet to offer food instead.

Inside the convenience store, I purchased a sandwich and soda, some water, cookies, chips and assorted snacks, and a nice warm sausage biscuit (it was cold that morning).  I offered them to my friend who was elated to receive so many goodies. 

I asked his name. He was known as Chewbacca, but people usually called him Chewie (he was a large man with lots of hair and a thick beard).  I introduced myself and handed him a Smile Card.  He read it with a big smile and said "I always believed in random acts of kindness!"

As I drove away, I said a silent prayer that Chewie makes it home for the holidays, or at least he spends them somewhere safe and warm. 

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Readers Comments

moni wrote: Hi whitby98,
Ur response to this situation is an example for those who always defer kindness even if they get an opportunity to do so thinking they don't have enough and hoping that the day, when they will have sufficient, which eventually never comes. They will do the act of kindness.

God bless u.

Jami2D wrote: You are so sweet and i know prayer works. I think that it is so beautiful that you topped off your random act of kindness with another act of kindness, (prayer) 20 karma pts. From me and 50 from chewie we think you deserve them! :)
daisy27 wrote: A very nice story. May god bless you.
cindyK wrote: Thanks for taking the time to care for the stranger by providing him with food! You are a generous person with a kind heart! God bless you!
jsmc10 wrote: Aww bless you, thank you for sparing some money for a gift of food and drink for this man :)
hinashah4 wrote: Thanks for doing this kind gesture and also for sharing this with us.
Lindsay wrote: I love it! You made his day! By the way, check out a book called "praying for strangers" by river jordan. It's fantastic!
neetis19691 wrote: Good act!
Ganesh wrote: Service to man is service to god
You done this. My heart ful greetings to you the task you perform. Keep going on like this.
peanut wrote: Beautiful story,you are a very kind person for taking the time to help this man. I am sure chewie will never forget. God bless you.

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