Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Top 10 Stories of 2012 Countdown - Story #9 - A Spontaneous Opportunity to Truly Teach My Children About Generosity

--by Earthymom33, posted Dec 23, 2012

My kids and I were heading into the superstore over the weekend. On the way, we spotted a man wrapped in a blanket and holding a sign that said, "Lost my job. Family to Feed".

At this store, a sight like this is not a normal occurrence. It was obvious the man was embarrassed, but desperate. My 10-year-old noticed him commented on how bad it must be to have to stand outside in the cold wind.

While we were in the store, I asked each of the kids (I have seven :) to pick something they thought our 'friend' outside would appreciate. They picked a couple apples, a package of shrimp cocktail, a sandwich, some cheese and a bottle of juice.

Then my 17-year-old asked, "Can we get him a gift card?"

I thought about it. We were low on cash ourselves, but... well, sometimes giving from our 'need' instead of our 'abundance' is just what we need to do!

We talked about the fact that we might have to do away with some of the things we were going to buy if we bought a gift card. All the kids piped in.

"That's ok!"

"I'll eat oatmeal all this week!"

And on-and-on, each child declaring something they could do away with for the week. 

In their eagerness, they said, "Hurry mom! Let's get out there to give him his stuff before he gets too cold and leaves."

We quickly checked out, with the items he could eat at the moment, and a gift card for the store. At the suggestion of my 16-year-old, we also grabbed a hot cup of coffee, then drove to the end of the parking lot, where our 'friend' was holding his sign.

We handed him the coffee and the bag of food. He lit up and thanked us with watery eyes. When I handed him the gift card and said he could use it for whatever his family might need, he burst into tears, obviously overwhelmed and grateful.

Though I wished we could have done more, I can't help but think about how this experience has been such a wonderful opportunity for our family. The impact of how it feels to help someone has rippled through them all-- they cannot stop talking about it, and for four days now have been 'scouting' for others we can help!

Things would have have played out so differently if I had simply said, "No, we really don't have money to give more," or something to that effect. Stepping out definitely not only helped a brother in need, it also gave my kids the sweet taste of helping others.

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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: AWSOME, you are 8 beautiful STARS, 8 beautiful Hearts. Thank you for your loving kindness and for reaching out for those in need. Love and Light Endless Blessings, Bluebell
moral12 wrote: You are obviously a great "teacher" and your children have learned their lessons well. Thank you, and, bless you, for your kindness towards this man.
annjav wrote: The whole thing is wonderful, but the effect on your children and the fact that they know how much joy we experience by helping someone else is GREAT!!! I love it!
unknown wrote: "giving from our need instead of our abundance" was my favorite line in the whole story. It's easy to give when you are feeling flush; harder still when things are tight. What a GREAT lesson you taught your children they will all remember for years to come. Good job!!!!!
crosby2126 wrote: wonderful what a life lesson for your children... Thank you, you will never know how you made a difference, but I am sure your children will be forever changed and their life and service to others will shine.
Bluebell wrote: I loved the bit tha you refered to the the person in need as "a brother in need" I think we all need to relate to each other in that way. In the end we are all members of this big family called humanity. Once again thank you for being such a fantastic loving person and a great example to your children. Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a fantastic post! There is so much kindness in it that I love it! But you have done so much more than one act of kindness. Like you said the wonderful example for your children will make even a bigger difference. By you training 7 more "kindness warriors" you have multiplied the impact of your kind act 1000 fold!

Awesome job and may they continue to follow your wonderful lead! :)
RMB333 wrote: What magnanimity! BEAUTIFUL! The seeds you planted in your kids minds will certainly blossom out when the time is ripe! No matter - when, what, where, who, or why! Untold Immense Blessings will definitely follow YOU and your family! Thank you for sharing.
momov3 wrote: It has been said, Children learn from what they experience, not what they are told. Your children are so blessed to have you as their mom. In writing about THIS experience, I'm sure it is not your first time to help others and as others have commented above, you are in process of creating 7 more kindness warriors.
Much Love, Light & Blessings for showing and allowing your children to experience such a gift of the heart.
cabbage wrote: FABULOUS!! Thank you so much for helping him and for teaching your children by example....what a terrific mom you are....
they will never forget this experience.
Much love to you.

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