Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Granny Style Clothing and an Unexpected Friend!

--by Bluebell, posted Jun 22, 2012
Yesterday, I went shopping for slippers with my daughter. First, I thought we should go to the High Street in town but then something took me to a supermarket I don't really like.
While we were chatting (and my ten year old daughter was having lots of fun calling my choice of clothes "granny style") a young employee must have heard us.   She came over and asked if we were Portuguese. we said, "Yes," and started a small conversation. She said that she had been living in town for ten years, had two small children, and had lost her husband a year ago to leukemia. She felt really isolated because she had no family here. I know how difficult it can be to live in another country without friends. 
I knew in my heart that the fact I was there and that she had found the courage to talk to me was more than just a coincidence. So, I gave her my details and told her that I would really love to meet for a coffee and a chat. I to said it would be lovely to talk to someone who shares the same language.
She only lives ten minutes away from us, so I do hope she contacts me!
Sometimes you get the feeling that you are not reaching out to a stranger but to a sister (or brother) in need.


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Readers Comments

hennie wrote: So lovely-something she will always remember I'm sure of. She need you at that moment and faith will bring you together again if need be.
jsmc10 wrote: It is so funny how life can lead us to somewhere else for a certain reason we don't yet know, thank you for being there for this woman and her family :)
SmileSharer wrote: That is amazing! I hope that the lady will contact you. If she does, she has made a sure friend.
Trixie wrote: Love your story. My brother & I have been car-giving our parents, since January. We share because we both live 2 1/2 hrs away. We are selling family property and, as care-giver, I had to get a lawyer involved. Our younger sister told me that I "sicked lawyers on her." She still hates me and causes alot of problems legally. I'm sorry, so long winded. Upshot is, I left her a message that she could go to Thanksgiving dinner with folks & I would stay away. This is why I wanted to join this group. I have been so inspired and this is my first day. God truly led me in the right direction. Thanks for being here
cabbage wrote: That is awesome--you are just who she needs, luv. I hope she and you meet for coffee or something soon. Thank you so much for choosing her shop so you could be there for her. Love and hugs, Cabbage
Earthymom33 wrote: :) YES YES YES!!! how wonderful when we listen to our inner wisdom and go where we are called! I am so excited to hear of this serendipitous meeting!!! Please keep us posted if she contacts you! I am SURE it will be a blessing for you both!
HappyDae wrote: Devine coincidence that you were drawn to one in need. Isn't it just amazing?? You have such a kind heart and positive attitude, you will be to her, as you are to all of us, a Blessing. Thank you for the lovely story and please let us know how your meeting progresses. (As one who knows from experience, she has been through a terrible ordeal helping, watching, caring for, hoping against hope that her loved one fought Leukemia....It not only claims the patient, but all those who love him/her as well) Love and Peace, dear one. HappyDae
whitby98 wrote: Isn't it odd how sometimes we are pulled in a direction for some unknown reason? We all need to do as you did, and just listen to that small voice inside and act accordingly. I hope this meeting leads to a wonderful friendship for the two of you. Well done!
RMB333 wrote: Lovely story, sure the young lady will contact you one of these days... she feels that you are 'open to others' - I know.
Immense Blessings.
bluxess wrote: True, if this leads to a lovely friendship, what better way can one think of ? I hope your daughter and this lady found their choices already ! ;-) love and immense blessings, Bluxess.

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