Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Moved by a Spontaneous Act of Kindness from a Stranger

--by nicolatalbot, posted Jun 23, 2012
Last night, after donating the last of my change to Children In Need (a U.K. telethon appeal,) I got on the train from London to Manchester. Feeling hungry, I went to the buffet car, only to find that the card machine was broken and I couldn't buy a sandwich. 
I turned to walk back to my seat without anything to eat, but was stopped by the man behind me who paid for the things I had tried to purchase. It was a spontaneous act of kindness from a complete stranger and left me with a great feeling. 
Thank you to all those people out there who try in small ways to make the world a better place!
P.S. It also inspired me to Google "the kindness of strangers" and find this lovely group today!


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Readers Comments

Lucky wrote: There is always help when we walk with the lord:by living his examples. He always sheds his glory on our way. Don't stop doing good at every opportunity.
Blessed2BKind wrote: So glad you joined :)
rjpaddy wrote: Friend - welcome to god's own kind family.
princessliz wrote: That's great! I'm learning to be on the receiving end of kindness. I'm glad you felt the blessings :)
And welcome to this site!
denisemj wrote: What a wonderful story of receiving kindness from a stranger. Thanks for sharing :)
baabra1950 wrote: My oldest son and i bought a meal for a woman and her family that i only knew online. Not long after that, she invited us to sunday dinner at her house! That was several years ago and we have had an "open invitation" to her home and to sunday dinner every week, every holiday and family celebration her family has! My son and i gained an "extended family" that we love and they love us! All from my asking her and her out to dinner to meet her! In those days, i could afford such actions! In the time since then, she and her hubby have fed us and helped us in so many, many ways! For now, my son and i have nothing of value to give to anyone, only our gratitude, love and huge warm hugs! Love and huge hugs to all of you out there, barbie
MissChatterbox wrote: A few months ago when on a rare visit into our local town, i asked a homeless man if he would like a breakfast roll & hot drink & subsequently bought it and my 3 yr old was excited to give it to him. On our return home, we realised we had lost my sons savings book somewhere in town (no cash in it, but sentimental as it had all payments detailed in it since his birth) anyway, a few weeks later after nearly losing hope of seeing it again, we had it returned safely. A kind person had handed it in to a shop and the shop assistant had remembered my sons name as we'd had a friendly chat & she kept it safe & returned it :-) i felt like my good deed had been repaid many times when we got the book back. I wish i earned enough (can't get work at present) to do things like this often, but i try to help in small ways by reaching things on high shelves in shops etc and just taking the time to smile & be friendly to people.

I'm loving reading all your stories of kindness. They inspire me to try other things xx
neetis19691 wrote: The world seems to be a better place when on this site. Though each one of us is carrying some or the other baggage yet small acts of these kindness mean soooooooooo muchhhhhhhh. Thank you all.
bilkis yusuf wrote: I love reading all the kindness stories and it has inspired me to be kind to people around me, both in words and deeds
jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for joining us, you are very welcome here :)

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