Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Little Bit of Kindness Goes a Long Way

--by whitby98, posted Jun 27, 2012
I was in a bad mood. I was impatient, grumpy and wrapped up in my own of worries when I passed a large yard sale.  Although I wasn't looking for one, something told me to turn around and go back. The people there were trying to raise funds for a mission trip to the Ukraine, and raise funds for a Ukrainian orphanage.

They had a ton of stuff so I happily picked through the piles.  I ended up with a huge bag of items; a toaster, some books, some great shower gel, and a sleeping bag. I asked what I owed and the woman said, "How about $3?"  
What a deal!
I gave her a $10 bill and when she handed me the change I told her to keep it for their trip. She was so happy and shouted out, "God bless!" as I left.  
I ended up taking the nice sleeping bag directly to the homeless shelter.  And you know what? After all that, my bad mood lifted and I felt really good!


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Readers Comments

jerryw wrote: Thanks for sharing and very uplifting story!
unknown wrote: you were the catalyst for blessings gave them more money than they asked for, you took the nice sleeping bag to the homeless shelter, and you felt better yourself! Isn't it amazing how one act of kindness multiplies itself? Thank you for being such a blessing to others.
Glowworm wrote: Woot! Way to change a mood around. Giving is a natural mood booster, I believe. Those people sound top shelf, and you were so kind to help their cause, and in so doing giving someone in the cold a warm sleeping bag.

moral12 wrote: Wow! You made the lady's day and also the shelter's day with your gift. Many kudos to you for your instant recyling of your purchases.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Kindness and smiles are a great way to break out of a funky mood! ;)
jsmc10 wrote: I'm glad such a great cause should stumble into your path when you're having a bad day :)
Nazboy wrote: Beautiful story. It's a well known fact that an act of selfless giving is the most rewarding gesture you can make. The heart instinctively knows a good deed and rewards you. Nobody can put a price on a heart that feels good. Ghandi washed bodies of malaria sufferers and dug latrines for 'untouchables', imagine how big his heart was!

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