Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Check in partner

--by Barbara, posted Mar 19, 2006
I would like someone to check in with each day. Someone who is psyched about this anonymous acts of kindness idea who would benefit from having a daily check-in partner to follow along with how it's going for each other. I've tried it alone, and it know it would be so so much more fun with a kindness partner!! Do you know of anyone who might also like a partner? They can be from anywhere. :-) But if they're in the USA, we'd be able to talk on the phone as well, which would be a plus. If they were local to Boston, I suppose we could go out and do things together, and that would be even better!

Thanks! I'm so inspired. :-)
1641 Reads

Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: I hope you were able to find a kindness partner :)
Dove wrote: I would love to be your kindness partner! I live in houston tx
Traci wrote: Special idea! I like the way you think.
I want to try being a kindness partner. Double the power to spread kindness. I love it!!
I live in Chicago area.

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