Readers Comments
Earthymom33 wrote: LOVE this story!! I am so grateful to your open heart, and hope his mama learns to believe the best in him after such a lovely act of kindness :)
unknown wrote: what a GREAT story! like the example of the widow's mite in the Bible, this youngster was giving probably all he had for the sheer pleasure of hearing you play and the fact that you included him in your music. Blessings on you for your kindness and for helping the mother realize her son was giving that kindness right back, not taking anything!
raqui wrote: This really touched my heart... It would have been the best Tip in my eyes as well. LOVE THE STORY!
pauliej wrote: Lovely...that quarter probably meant the world to him, and he gave it to you...:-)
What a gift, indeed.
Thank you for your story-it brought a tear to my eyes. P
What a gift, indeed.
Thank you for your story-it brought a tear to my eyes. P
RNCQuinn wrote: I love this! So sweet and...
I it.
I'll try to share little moments like this too.
I it.
I'll try to share little moments like this too.
annjav wrote: It is very satisfying to make music for someone who appreciates it with his whole self. Thanks for sharing that sweet story with all of us.
RMB333 wrote: It IS a beautiful story - thank you for sharing. Though. it's been the Best Tip Ever' you have received ... I am sure it IS THE best guitar pick ever for that little boy - which otherwise, would NEVER have got!. Immense Blessings!
lmil1954 wrote: Priceless!
Redhead2929 wrote: As a Mother with a son with high-functioning Autism and also as a person who works with children with special needs, thank you! What a great story!
cabbage wrote: WOW!!! What a beautiful story.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing.