Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Hospital Cafeteria Kindness

--by zmansmom16, posted Jun 18, 2013
The other day, I wandered into the hospital cafeteria to grab a bite to eat after an appointment.  While having lunch, I spotted this older woman who had bought only a small amount of french fries.

She sat by herself and ate. Then, I overheard her ask the young lady at the cash register how much it would cost to buy a drink. The cashier informed her that they were different prices, depending on what she wanted.

Upon hearing this, the woman walked back to the beverages to pick one out. While she had her back turned, I snuck up to the cashier and paid for her drink. All I asked was for her to tell the woman it had been paid for, and to wish her a Happy New Year. 

Later on, while walking to the elevator, I spotted the same woman and said hello. She had the biggest smile on her face as she greeted me.
It just felt good. :)
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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: and it was likely your kindness that put that smile there.....blessings on you for doing that for her. No doubt you made her day!!!
zmansmom16 wrote: It also made my day happier just knowing that she felt someone cared. Someone she doesn't even know, but still thought of her.
princessliz wrote: awesome!!! :) That's really nice, seems like she'll return the kindness somehow. :)
AURELIA wrote: Perfect Timing!!! You were in the right place at the right time! Thank you for being you. ~Smile! :0)~Aurelia
RMB333 wrote: THAT was very kind of you! Sure, she was pleasantly surprised! Thank you for sharing. Immense Blessings!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love what you did, especially how you were able to sneak off and remain anonymous! And what a lovely added bonus that you were able to see her smiling from it later! Nice going!
Bluebell wrote: I just loved your act of kindness I am sure that you also felt your heart beating while trying to go unnoticed :-) You are a STAR. Love and Light and Endless Blessings to you and to the lady :-)
annjav wrote: You did so well to be attentive to her situation in the first place. A wonderful kind anonymous thing to do. Add my blessings to all the others.
moral12 wrote: An unexpected treat for the lady; kudos to you for your random act of kindness!
cyrilsmom wrote: thats simply beautiful.u r so caring and attentive.keep up the good work

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