Readers Comments
unknown wrote: and it was likely your kindness that put that smile there.....blessings on you for doing that for her. No doubt you made her day!!!
zmansmom16 wrote: It also made my day happier just knowing that she felt someone cared. Someone she doesn't even know, but still thought of her.
princessliz wrote: awesome!!! :) That's really nice, seems like she'll return the kindness somehow. :)
AURELIA wrote: Perfect Timing!!! You were in the right place at the right time! Thank you for being you. ~Smile! :0)~Aurelia
RMB333 wrote: THAT was very kind of you! Sure, she was pleasantly surprised! Thank you for sharing. Immense Blessings!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love what you did, especially how you were able to sneak off and remain anonymous! And what a lovely added bonus that you were able to see her smiling from it later! Nice going!
Bluebell wrote: I just loved your act of kindness I am sure that you also felt your heart beating while trying to go unnoticed :-) You are a STAR. Love and Light and Endless Blessings to you and to the lady :-)
annjav wrote: You did so well to be attentive to her situation in the first place. A wonderful kind anonymous thing to do. Add my blessings to all the others.
moral12 wrote: An unexpected treat for the lady; kudos to you for your random act of kindness!
cyrilsmom wrote: thats simply beautiful.u r so caring and attentive.keep up the good work