Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pay It Forward Coffee Day

--by adoulamom, posted Jun 25, 2013
I don't drink coffee. It's not that I don't like coffee, because just the smell is heaven to me, but coffee doesn't seem to agree with my body. I can drink decaffeinated coffee every once in awhile if I'm lucky, but only on rare occasions.

So this story is not actually about me, but about my husband, who definitely drinks coffee. In fact, he drinks so much coffee that he is on a first name basis with every employee that works at our local coffee house. They even gave him a Christmas card last year with a free coffee gift card inside. Well, maybe they gave him the gift card because he's such a friendly guy. :)

Anyway, each Friday, the person behind him gets their coffee gifted to them. If there's no one behind him then the next person to walk in the door will receive the pleasant surprise. He decided to start making Fridays "Pay It Forward Coffee Day" about 5 years ago. I think this small gesture adds a little bit of happiness and kindness to our community.

One person's kindness can multiply and show up many times over in an array of different ways, if we all just take a little time for thoughtfulness! 
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Readers Comments

Manas wrote: The day at cafe coffee day became my life's best day. It was lovely to get some historic background while driving through it. We stopped at a coffee day (coffee place) and just had some coffee and talked.
nora wingate wrote: I have a coffee drive through just outside my front door i don't drink coffee but i love your idea. Thank you for your kindness. Love its the best nora
ali wrote: Very nice word
patty wrote: What a great way of bringing a smile to end someone's week. Your husband's caring is what the world needs more of.
Glorey Cree wrote: What a fantastic idea. I am a coffee nut and having a coffee is a must for me. How nice to receive a gift every so often. I am going to start doing this treat for people.
TLRavali wrote: What a lovely idea!
Kathi wrote: Love to you both! :)
Rash wrote: Very inspiring idea for kindness.

Love it.
jsmc10 wrote: This is so fantastic :) your husband is a very kind man :)
Peacehunter wrote: What a great way to show we matter to each other :)

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