Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Needy Widow

--by Uyamat Christiana Bassey, posted Mar 21, 2006
Where I lived I noticed a widow that struggles so much to take care of her three children.

She goes out early in the moring and comes back late before the children will have something to eat.

In an envelope I drop a smile card and N4,000.00, which I think will be able to feed them for some time. I left it at her door post.

The following morning she came out calling everyone around saying "God had sent an angel to bless me with some money that will be able to take care of me and my children for sometime".
3900 Reads
  • Posted by Uyamat Christiana Bassey
  • Mar 21, 2006
  • Comments (6)

Readers Comments

Anon wrote: That's really amazing. Thank you for sharing the story!
Kris wrote: What a beautiful gesture did a inner voice tell you what to do...isnt thats the way God speaks to us...Bless you !!!
isaac wrote: Bless you!
SmileSharer wrote: God bless you! You are truly an angel, just as the lady said!
jsmc10 wrote: Beautiful, bless you :)
Vinu wrote: Touching and inspiring. God bless

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