Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Surprise Delivery

--by RMammaKat, posted Jun 29, 2013
One evening, a few months ago, a friend of mine was at home with her toddler. I was online and noticed that she had posted on her Facebook that she really wished that there was a delivery service for ice cream.
 I decided it'd be fun to take it upon myself to be that delivery service. :)

So, shortly after reading her post, I went to the grocery store and purchased a small container of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Then, I drove to her house, set the ice cream on her porch, rang the doorbell and drove away.

Even though I didn't stay to see her reaction, the small act of generosity made my evening a whole lot brighter. :)
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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: Ha, ha, ha, ha! Good one! Nothing like a surprise ice cream delivery; I hope she specified the flavor, too. Great idea for a random act of kindness (as long as it wasn't 93 degrees outside!)
whitby98 wrote: OMG, I love that!!!! LOLOL!!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Awww, how very kind of you! A wonderful way to spread smiles and anonymously at that! :)
lina wrote: Cool!

princessliz wrote: Score! ツ
I wish there was online ice cream delivery :( Cookies and Cream to be exact.

•*´¨`*•.[closes eyes & clicks heels]•*´¨`*•.
Really nice of you. Great idea :)
MamaPajama wrote: So simple and so meaningful. Great idea! Wonderful things happen when we listen to the needs of others.
Britt wrote: What an awesome act of kindness.

Simply, beautiful.
success wrote: That's beyond awesome! How fun! :)

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