Readers Comments
annjav wrote: What a good solution! I hope she didn't have to wait too long and I know the gift card gave you both some cheer! You're a gem!
AURELIA wrote: Many do realize how wonderful we feel to GIVE! Thank you for being so caring. You came up with a perfect solution and I'm sure someone arrived to get her back to her car. She will always remember your kindness and pass on the goodness to others. :0) ~Aurelia
Bluebell wrote: Thank you for your loving kindness :-)
moral12 wrote: That was very, very kind of you to think of that young lady's welfare. Bless you for taking the time to care.
Bluebellgirl wrote: Its like you came right on time for her. Sometimes, in order to accept kindness, there has to be a certain amount of trust. Thank you for your courage to approch this woman. ;)
heartofflesh wrote: You appeared on the scene like an angle sent from above.. Thank your for caring attitude.
princessliz wrote: Nice of you to do that for her :)
bookworm58 wrote: to make someone smile also brings a smile to our face too. your such a angel to help this poor girl. hope her ride came quickly and get her out of the weather.
whitby98 wrote: What a truly beautiful thing you did for her. She will never forget your kindness.
baabra1950 wrote: My Beloved Friends, those I have still yet to meet yet! To my beloved friend without Hugs to have In India! I wanted you to know, you remain in my thoughts, heart and my prayers! I send you Warm, Friendly, Loving Warm Hugs from my Spirit Always! Please be kind to yourself Always! Love and Warm Big Hugs, barbie XXXOOO