Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Young Girl Stranded

--by MamaPajama, posted Jul 7, 2013
On Sunday morning, after listening to a sermon about making "A World of Difference", we stopped at the gas station for a snack and drinks. 
When we pulled into the parking lot we noticed a young girl sitting on the curb. She was outside in January, in the Midwest, with only a sweatshirt. No coat or gloves. She didn't look very happy. 
I approached her and asked if she was okay. She said yes and told me that she had run out of gas down the road, walked to the gas station, and was now waiting for someone to bring her a gas can and a little money so she could get her vehicle running again. By the look on her face I think she had been waiting for a while. 
I, hesistantly, asked if we could give her a lift somewhere. I was fearful that she might be worried about our intentions. She graciously declined and said she would simply wait.  
I went on inside the gas station to pick up the items we had come for, but I couldn't stop thinking about the young girl sitting out in the cold and wished I could do something to help her.  
So, I bought a gift card for her. With it she could either buy the gasoline she said she needed or she could at least go inside and purchase a drink and some food to keep her warm while she waited for someone to come get her. 
She was so suprised when I handed her the gift card!  
Walking away I got the feeling that help didn't come her way very often. She was very thankful for the card - but I think it did just as much to lift my spirits as it did hers! 
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Readers Comments

annjav wrote: What a good solution! I hope she didn't have to wait too long and I know the gift card gave you both some cheer! You're a gem!
AURELIA wrote: Many do realize how wonderful we feel to GIVE! Thank you for being so caring. You came up with a perfect solution and I'm sure someone arrived to get her back to her car. She will always remember your kindness and pass on the goodness to others. :0) ~Aurelia
Bluebell wrote: Thank you for your loving kindness :-)
moral12 wrote: That was very, very kind of you to think of that young lady's welfare. Bless you for taking the time to care.
Bluebellgirl wrote: Its like you came right on time for her. Sometimes, in order to accept kindness, there has to be a certain amount of trust. Thank you for your courage to approch this woman. ;)
heartofflesh wrote: You appeared on the scene like an angle sent from above.. Thank your for caring attitude.
princessliz wrote: Nice of you to do that for her :)
bookworm58 wrote: to make someone smile also brings a smile to our face too. your such a angel to help this poor girl. hope her ride came quickly and get her out of the weather.
whitby98 wrote: What a truly beautiful thing you did for her. She will never forget your kindness.
baabra1950 wrote: My Beloved Friends, those I have still yet to meet yet! To my beloved friend without Hugs to have In India! I wanted you to know, you remain in my thoughts, heart and my prayers! I send you Warm, Friendly, Loving Warm Hugs from my Spirit Always! Please be kind to yourself Always! Love and Warm Big Hugs, barbie XXXOOO

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