Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Ride Home In A New Town

--by AURELIA, posted Jul 4, 2013
I just moved to a new state and started a new job at a retail store. After the store closes the staff all walk to the car park together for safety purposes.
Yesterday, as we headed for our cars a young woman was waiting on the sidewalk. When asked if she had a ride, she replied, "Yes, I called a taxi." 
Everyone started saying things like, "No Way. Cancel that Taxi. One of us can give you a ride," and so on.
We waited as a group and she called to cancel her taxi, then we started to walk to our cars. Nobody said, "Come with Me" and so, finally, she said, "So, I cancelled my taxi. Who's taking me home?" 
Being new to the area and it being pitch dark out I was hesitant to offer. So, I waited about ten seconds and then said, "I'll take you."
Funny how everyone was happy to tell her to cancel the taxi but then nobody wanted to go out of their way late at night to take her home.
So we drive about two miles away and then into a huge development. When we pulled into her driveway my head was spinning and I asked, "How do I get home from here?" 
She told me how to back-track out and I think God was definitely with me because it was so dark and I didn't know where I was going, but I found my way home.
Be kind - even if you aren't sure how it will turn out, because it usually turns out better than you expect. And I have a new friend now!
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Readers Comments

petroskryf wrote: This is a true act of human kindness. I am sure that god watched over you in the dark. Thank you for sharing, you are indeed very brave.
Twinkle wrote: You are brave and beautiful - (((hug)))
MettaKarunaUpekk wrote: wow.
you did the right thing despite the daunting task in a new town, despite the fear and the real risk of getting lost the the stress involved with all that...

What a wonderful thing to overcome our fears, to help others, to serve, to be selfless, to give this gift to another...

bless you
bluxess wrote: Aurelia, that's your 'orientation' to the new place in a kindness way, the way you like :-) It's crazy when people make statements that they fail to follow ... Thanks for standing up to your word ... Purity of words lie in their translation to action. I would have felt not only relieved but also happy to seeing someone who keeps their word. I am sure, you know the route by now ;-) Bluxess.
peanutsmom46 wrote: I would have done the same thing, I am afraid to drive places that I dont know at night cuz I cant see well but to help someone else I would do it. Thank you for helping someone when they needed it:)
peanutsmom46 wrote: I would have done the same thing, I am afraid to drive places that I dont know at night cuz I cant see well but to help someone else I would do it. Thank you for helping someone when they needed it:)
Bluebell wrote: It was very brave of you to drive to unknown places lol ( I tend to panic ) good that you had some help from above lol to get you home safely.

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