Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Burst of Morning Kindness

--by Fatz, posted Jul 14, 2013
In the morning, I always take a bus from my home to the train station.  When I boarded the bus this morning, there was an available seat and I sat down. At that moment, an old lady boarded bus too. I stood up to give her my seat, and as I did so, I noticed that along with me, three other gentlemen had also gotten up to give up their seats for her too!
It was really heart warming to see this.
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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: That was very kind of you. Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
niececatz wrote: That's soooo nice! I love it and love that you were not the only one who has begun to show this well deserved type of respect once again!

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