Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Reason To Celebrate

--by Dodo, posted Jul 7, 2012

Numbly, I left my husband, Marty, at the hospital where I had been visiting two of my children and headed for the grocery store. Since it was eleven p.m., I drove to the only store I knew was open twenty-four hours a day. I turned my car motor off and rested my head against the seat.

What a day, I thought to myself. With two of my young children in the hospital, and a third waiting at Grandma’s, I was truly spread thin. Today I had actually passed the infant CPR exam required before I could take eight-week-old Joel home from the hospital. Would I remember how to perform CPR in a moment of crisis? A cold chill ran down my spine as I debated my answer.

Exhausted, I reached for my grocery list that resembled more of a scientific equation than the food for the week. For the past several days, I’d been learning the facts about juvenile diabetes and trying to accept Jenna, my six-year-old daughter’s, diagnosis.  In addition to the CPR exam I’d spent the day reviewing how to test Jenna’s blood and give her insulin shots. Now I was buying the needed food to balance the insulin that would sustain Jenna’s life.

“Let’s go, Janet,” I mumbled to myself while sliding out of the car. “Tomorrow is the big day! Both kids are coming home from the hospital. ... It didn’t take long before my mumbling turned into a prayer.

“God, I am soooo scared! What if I make a mistake and give Jenna too much insulin, or what if I measure her food wrong, or what if she does the unmentionable—and sneaks a treat? And what about Joel’s apnea monitor? What if it goes off? What if he turns blue and I panic? What if? Oh, the consequences are certain to be great!”

With a shiver, my own thoughts startled me. Quickly, I tried to redirect my mind away from the what ifs.

Like a child doing an errand she wasn’t up for, I grabbed my purse, locked the car, and found my way inside the store. The layout of the store was different than what I was used to. Uncertain where to find what I needed, I decided to walk up and down each aisle.

Soon I was holding a box of cereal, reading the label, trying to figure out the carbohydrate count and sugar content. “Would three-fourths a cup of cereal fill Jenna up?” Not finding any “sugar free” cereal, I grabbed a box of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and continued shopping. Pausing, I turned back. Do I still buy Fruit Loops for Jason? I hadn’t even thought how Jenna’s diagnosis might affect Jason, my typical four-year-old.  Is it okay if he has a box of Fruit Loops while Jenna eats Kellogg’s Corn Flakes?”

Eventually I walked down the canned fruit and juice aisle. Yes, I need apple juice, but, how much? Just how often will Jenna’s sugar “go low” so she will need this lifesaving can of juice? Will a six-year-old actually know when her blood sugar is dropping? What if…? I began to ask myself again.

I held the can of apple juice and began to read the label. Jenna will need fifteen carbohydrates of juice when her sugar drops. But this can has thirty-two.  Immediately I could see my hand begin to tremble. I tried to steady the can and reread the label when I felt tears leave my eyes and make their way down the sides of my face. Not knowing what to do, I grabbed a couple six-packs of apple juice and placed them in my cart. Frustrated by feelings of total inadequacy, I crumpled up my grocery list, covered my face in my hands and cried.

“Honey, are you all right?”  I heard a gentle voice ask.  I had been so engrossed in my own thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed the woman who was shopping along side of me. Suddenly I felt her hand as she reached towards me and rested it upon my shoulder. “Are you all right? Honey, are you a little short of cash? Why don’t you just let me…?”

I slowly dropped my hands from my face and looked into the eyes of the silvery haired woman who waited for my answer. “Oh, no, thank you ma’am.” I said while wiping my tears, trying to gather my composure. “I have enough money.”

“Well, Honey, what is it then?” she persisted.

“It’s just that I’m kind of overwhelmed. I’m here shopping for groceries so that I can bring my children home from the hospital tomorrow.”

“Home from the hospital! What a celebration that shall be. Why, you should have a party!”

Within minutes this stranger had befriended me. She took my crumpled up grocery list, smoothed it out, and became my personal shopper. She stayed by my side until each item on my list was checked off. She even walked me to my car helping me as I placed the groceries in my trunk. Then with a hug and a smile, she sent me on my way.

It was shortly after midnight, while lugging the groceries into my house, that I realized the lesson this woman had taught me. “My kids are coming home from the hospital!” I shouted with joy. “Joel is off life support and functioning on a monitor. Jenna and I can learn how to manage her diabetes and give her shots properly. What a reason to celebrate.” I giggled to myself. “I have a reason to celebrate!” I shouted to my empty house.

“Why you should have a party,” the woman had exclaimed.

And a party there will be!

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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: Your story brought tears to my eyes. You were obviously met by an angel in that store; happily for you she was able to help you redirect your thoughts to more positive thoughts. Yes, have a party and celebration that your children were coming home. Bless that woman for taking the time to care about you, and, kudos to you for taking the time to care about your children's welfare. Sending warm thoughts your way.
smilexD wrote: What an amazing thing. I am so happy to hear that your kids came home but the fact that an amazing lady would help you through this time of need! You don't meet people like that everyday. I truly beleive that God had sent an angel to you!:)
Bluebell wrote: It so heart warming to see this this angels that just pop in our lives in the perfect moment, what a blessing. Wishing you and that angel all the best that Life has to offer, Love, Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
HappyDae wrote: Sooo Happy that your children are coming home from the hosptial
...not only that...they are coming home to a celebration and a happy, confident mother who will meet their every need. I do not believe it was just coincidence that the "Angel Lady" was there to guide and protect you....God's loving hand reached out to you through her. One so committed to the total welfare of their children, will, no doubt, be a success in the continuing monitoring and treatment for your daughter. I feel you will always be there 100% for your husband and children. God bless you for your mother's concern and heart of total love. Wishing you and your family every happiness. Love and Peace, HappyDae
cyrilsmom wrote: what a way to look at life......the lady really taught u and all of us a lesson
Bluxess wrote: To begin with, I can imagine how your apprehensions can eat you alive ... I just had been through a situation where I had to make multiple decisions with a fragile mother in her 70's, I know, just one to handle unlike yours ... but do take a deep breath, you are but a human ... Its good to take life by the moment ...
When you are reaching the end of the road, the arrival of an angel just lets us know that its not the end but a bend :-) You just turned ... let's say, 'right' ... The angel came around to fill your desire.

Indeed, its party time :-) In celebration of being alive, that's the phrase that comes to my mind, its Christian Barnard's description of life ...

I wish you and your children a lot of love and healing Dodo. It will happen, until then, hang in there. With prayers, Bluxess.
wooka85257 wrote: I remember the terror of bringing my son home from the hospital with type 1 diabetes, afraid i would kill him with the wrong food. Reading your story brought it all back. But the good news is, you learn as you go, and they are more resilient than we know, and it all works out in the end. And i agree with the others. You were sent an angel in your hour of greatest need.
dette wrote: Truly, u have all the reasons to celebrate! Thanks to the lady for making u realize that. And thank u for sharing with us this great story.

Good luck and take care!
Jami2D wrote: Hopefully you made a way to contact you new friend and stay in touch. It really seems like you were sent an angel and i have heard that it takes one to know one:) thanks to you my angel friend for reminding me that my special needs son is a true blessing from above. Smile always:)
Elizabeth wrote: We are the angels. Our senses nudge us when others need help, so we can notice and respond. We learn what's needed from our own moments of need for aid and comfort, no questions asked. We're not perfect - but we can always help.

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