Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Veteran Who Wants To Make Folk Smile

--by whitby98, posted Jul 12, 2012

Last weekend I was navigating my way through a Good-will store as I do every Saturday. I was absorbed in my own thoughts when I overheard an employee say, "Let me shake your hand to thank you for your service!"  

I looked up and saw the employee, a man in his 30s, shaking the hand of an elderly man wearing a "WW II Veteran" hat. As they started talking I stood and listened in.
The veteran said he was 85 and when the employee and I expressed surprised he fished out his driver's license to prove it. This man was sharp as a tack and looked to be in great physical shape. And, boy, did he have a sense of humor!
The three of us stood there for about 15 minutes, just chatting away about the veteran's war experiences. He described the feeling he had when Germany surrendered in the war, how young he was when he joined the service, about all the places he had visited all over the world. He was fascinating - and hilarious!
During this conversation, I stood there transfixed by this man and his stories - this living piece of history right before me.  I too shook his hand and thanked him for his selfless service.  
Just before he left he told us that his goal in life was to put a smile on at least one person's face every day. If he could do that he could go to sleep happy.  
I made sure he knew that he had made my day.


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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: Boy, I can only imagine the stories these veterans have to tell. Glad that you got to hear a part of history from a living participant!
Glowworm wrote: I'm so shy, but I managed to work up the courage to thank a WWII veteran a few months ago. I know they appreciate it, as their faces light up. It's always nice to be recognized and thanked :)

God bless you for joining in! He sounds like a neat man. I wish I'd been there!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is wonderful! I love his goal of making someone smile each day. Good for you for taking the time to stop and listen. What an enriching experience for all!
Lenea wrote: Aaaaw this hits close to home for me. My dad is a vietnam veteran. He doesnt talk about it much, but after reading this ill definately have to ask him.
annjav wrote: That sounds like a very nice encounter for everyone involved! Whenever people have served, they sacrificed for the rest of us, and so did their families. We should all appreciate them as much as possible!

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