Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smiles from the Hospital to Fabric Store

--by trionafaye, posted Aug 11, 2013
The other day, I had a magnificent experience of giving and receiving!

It had come to my attention that a lady was going into hospital for an extended period of time.  The hospital had provided her with a list of clothing items needed to participate in the rehab program for her recovery. Because she lived on a very limited income, she didn't know how she would afford the required clothes.  I had extra almost-new clothing that were her size, so I packed up the freshly washed clothing, added several toiletries and an angel pin, and delivered them to her.  When I presented care package to her, she was completely caught off guard. :) Hopefully the extra clothes will make her recovery a bit easier and less stressful!

That same day, I had inquired about a bolt of fabric for sale and made arrangements to pick it up.  When I went the fabric store, the woman who owned the store spontaneously decided to give me the bolt of fabric for free. Now I was the one who was completely caught off guard!  One of her family members then offered to drive me to get the fabric, and her husband even carried the heavy roll of fabric out to the car for me!

Not only had I originally expected to pay for the fabric, but I had also planned to take a long bus ride to get it and carry it home.  I was so surprised to have suddenly received such a generous gestures from not just the store owner, but also her husband and her relative.
I guess what goes around really does come around!
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Readers Comments

debj wrote: Blessings to you for your kindness!
Mish wrote: Love kindness ripples. Blessings.
sabrina wrote: Yes it does and thank you for helping her. You are a blessing to her and the world. Gbu. Smilesss
Glowworm wrote: What goes around really comes around, doesn't it? "As you sow, so shall you reap." Amen!

That was a very kind thing of you to do. I'm glad your kindness returned to you so soon :)

God bless!
moral12 wrote: Almost instant karma for your good deed. Great to hear about.......kudos to you for your kindness to that lady.
princessliz wrote: Now you know what the dear lady at the hospital felt like when you surprised her :)
Blessings to your heart and your loved ones :)
unknown wrote: a full circle karma moment! aren't they lovely? blessings on your sweet heart for making that lady's stay at the hospital nicer.
Bluebell wrote: That was really sweet of you. People like you make the world a lot better. Love an dLight and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
Sydney wrote: Isn't it great when you get to both practise kindness and receive it on the same day!

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