Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Meeting Michael

--by ilovehammies, posted Jul 19, 2012

I was sitting at my desk today, looking out the window. I saw an old homeless man crossing the street, carrying a suitcase. 

I remembered the many times  I had looked on from afar, feeling sorry for the homeless but doing nothing. I do give money to homeless people when I walk by, but never really interact with them, beside a smile. 
I came across this website and all your stories inspired me so much to get more involved. Sometimes we think about compassion but we push it into the deep corners of our heart because we're too busy with life, too shy, or too afraid of strangers. But all it takes is a little awakening from like-minded people like you! 
I did what I never thought I could as I'm an introvert and afraid of strangers. I burst out the front door and ran after the old man. When I reached him I asked him if I could buy him lunch. He looked surprised, but accepted readily, warning me he had big appetite! 
I was shaking with nervousness and excitement all at the same time. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant. I told the waiter to give the guy whatever he wanted and I would pay for it. 
I sat down for a moment asking the old man how he was doing. He told me he was sleeping behind the court house near my work because it is warmer there. I promised him I would give him a few jackets to keep him warm.Then he asked me something I did not expect. He asked if he could give me something!
I told him that I didn't buy him lunch to get something in return. But he insisted it was nothing much and he wanted me to have it. He laid some inexpensive jewellery on the table and, unable to refuse, I asked him to pick something out for me because that would be a lot more meaningful. He chose an owl necklace, something someone else had given him. 
Since I had run out the office without telling my boss I couldn't stay long. I apologized for not able to spend time with him and promised I would sit down with him for lunch next time and chat more. 
Before I left he asked for my name which is "Mai" pronounced as "my" in english. Then to my delight, he told me his name was "Myyyyyy-chael" (Michael.) 
I did not feel like I gave the him anything much - but felt he gave me more than I could have asked for. Of all the men who ever said I was beautiful Michael's compliment made me feel the most blessed. He was the new friend who helped me conquer my shyness and inspired me to be more proactively kind to others.


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Readers Comments

annjav wrote: I commend you for overcoming your shyness and doing this kind and generous thing! Good for you!
trionafaye wrote: Thanks for taking the time to reach out to Micheal and be his angel and share your time and a meal with him. Am sure it made all the difference to him and it opened your heart to set aside your shyness. Blessing to you dear heart
moral12 wrote: Kudos to you for your courage in your willingness to help the homeless.
princessliz wrote: Your encounter sounded so friendly and like a couple of buddies that were just catching up for lunch even when he said "I have a big appetite". Your energies meshed very well it seems. Its ok to be nervous sometimes, we are meant to protect our selves and often wonder how the other would respond [hopefully not negatively] I also get nervous with interacting with strangers, but when I think about the reason why I'm doing it, its all the more worth it to follow through. Besides, I think smiling or being anonymous makes it a lot more easier :) Thanks for sharing.
ilovehammies wrote: Thank you guys so much for the encouragement. :)
Love to all!!
bjustiin wrote: Oh, this is so sweet, i became emotional. Your experience was rare and precious. The high-octane agape love one remembers during lonely times. Surely, this man was energized by your gift and is passing it on to others. I hope to pass it on too.
Tina wrote: What a great story. It inspired me because i am shy too and kind of afraid of strangers. This encouraged me to go out of my way too!
Fatimah wrote: Waoh! This is another beautiful story that tells how kindness unites people. I am positively touched by your actions and his response.

Lenea wrote: This is my kinda story! :)
dutchie wrote: That's very brave to step out of your shyness and wonderful to take care of an other human being. Inspiring!

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