Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Blanket Of Warmth

--by unknown, posted Jul 17, 2012

It's never too late to share a kindness story even when you are about to go on holiday.

It begins with a hobby of mine...knitting. My nan and mum bless their hearts taught me to knit many years ago and it has always been a passion of mine making things for people and over the years I have made a few things for family and friends. I have always found it very therapeutic and relaxing.

Now my biggest enjoyment of knitting is making large blankets..some square patterned and some embroidered. Over a long period of time I have managed to make about 15 and have kept them in storage but have always hoped one day I would be able to give them away free to people that needed them. A few years back I found out that Oxfam would not be able to take them off my hands for me and send abroad so I have just kept on making them, and continued putting them in storage as I have always believed one day they will come in useful for something and help someone.

Today an act of kindness happened. Just in passing I spoke to a friend of a friend and my blankets came up in conversation. Now lo and behold some of my blankets have gone to an elderly couple for extra warmth!

This really made me smile that I could contribute to this act of kindness and it just goes to show how something so little can be appreciated so much -- and the feeling you get for that is AMAZING!

I hope one day I will be able to send my blankets abroad as an act of kindness to help underprivellaged children or adults. It is important to remember that we should always be grateful for what we do have in life as some people are not always as lucky as you and if we continue carrying out these acts of kindness that we do to make anyone makes us an all round better person.  No one can take away that feeling you receive when you do a true act of kindness for someone.

I am so grateful that I have been able to carry out some random acts of kindness lately. Has really made me smile and being able to do this whilst on a journey of healing and self improvement is beyond phenomenal.


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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: I know how wonderful it made you feel to know that your blankets, knitted with love and caring, went to that elderly couple. No doubt there are other families in need who will receive your gifts of love in the future, too. Many kudos to you for sharing your talent and love with others! :)
princessliz wrote: Knitting sounds fun! I'd love to try it one day :)
Great that you're using your skills for helping others with no charge. Hopefully soon, you'll collab with an organization that can meet your desires of them going abroad.
Keep the smiles and loving heart.
You're beautiful!
annjav wrote: I share your love of knitting and use my smaller skeins of yarn to make warm double caps and mittens and bring them to the Salvation Army for distribute to people who need them. I make shawls for the Prayer Shawl ministry too. There always seem to be people in need of their comfort.
unknown wrote: Thank you so much for your kind and heartfelt comments. Much appreciated. I am going to look into what I can do with the rest of my blankets as what i realise now more than ever is I love carrying out acts of kindness to other people and making them smile and i also enjoy knitting the blankets as its a true joy. Anything you put your mind to can be achieved and I thank you all for your encouraging words. Keep smiling. Blessings!
Sydney wrote: That's lovely that you are able to do something that you love and use that to help people with.
Bright07 wrote: What a kind and loving heart you have! it's truly a blessing that there are people like you in this world making everything brighter for all :) your act of kindness is inspiring
unknown wrote: Thankyou for your very kind words bright07 and sydney. Much appreciated!
Bluxess wrote: You are a kindness machine :-) I mean, how can you spin out 15 lovely blankets and call your act small ... On top, you give them away and still want to ... We need many such pioneers like you :-) I feel so blessed to read your act ... Thank you my friend ... :-)
unknown wrote: Thank you Bluxess for your comment. Some extremely kind words. :)
Eve wrote: We were given a blanket and a quilt after katrina. We lost our home but thanks to a generous bunch of people we made it through. It meant more than i can say and everytime i see them now i am reminded of the good people like you in this world. :)

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