My car has been giving me fits lately. Dying right in the middle of the road for no discernible reason, I checked out by my mechanic-- to the tune of $283 two weeks ago-- but it continues to stop at odd and wondrous times. No sputtering, no chugging, just stopping.
Today, I had to go to the office store. It's close by, so I thought I would risk it, and if that didn't cause it to die, I would go to the pharmacy to return some old prescriptions. The office store was no problem, however, just as I turned the corner to go into the pharmacy parking lot, the Gracemobile died. I tried starting it again, and unlike other times, it didn't restart.
I was nine feet from the intersection, so I put on my hazard lights to make sure I wouldn't get hit by an unsuspecting car rounding the corner. I let it sit for about fifteen minutes, hazards blinking, while I called my mechanic. Again, I tried to start it. This time, it went, so I could get myself out of the line of traffic. I moved it into the parking lot, where a tow truck could pull in front of me, shut it off, and called the mechanic back, reporting I was no longer on the street. He would send out a tow track, he said...
Thankfully, today was a 75-degree day, and not the 88 degrees it was yesterday. I sat in the car waiting for an hour and eleven minutes. Also, thankfully, I was dressed coolly, so I wasn't uncomfortable. When the tow truck came, the driver offered to drop me off at home before taking my car to the mechanic. Very nice of him.
I walked with my cane over to the truck and open the door. I kid you not, the seat is at my eye level, and the two steps up to it are easily two feet apart. I could never climb into that truck, not even with his help. I tell him I'll have to call for someone to come get me.
At that very moment, out of nowhere, a woman with a pretty little Audi sportscar drives up and asks me if I need a lift home.
"YES," I tell her.
And she replies, "You would NEVER make it up there!!!"
I agreed. So she drives me and my two small packages home, which is a full three minutes away. It was a very sporty little car, a Quattro, with leather seats, and I felt like my knees were up under my chin, even though they weren't.
She introduced herself as Lisa, and mentioned she had a 2 pm meeting, but as it was 1:30, if I didn't live far away, she'd be happy to drop me off. SO KIND.
I told her, "You realize, of course, that this qualifies as your Random Act of Kindness for the day!"
She just smiled. She told me if I needed a new car, her boyfriend Bruce works at Chapman just down the road from us, and he would take good care of me. I thanked her and said if I went there, I would definitely ask for Bruce.
So, I got totally RAK'd (Random Act of Kindness) today, by an angel driving a little silver Audi Quattro. Blessed be.
- Posted by wooka85257
- Jul 28, 2012
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