Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Magical Twenty Dollar Bill

--by kathyabrooks, posted Aug 14, 2012

Recently, my husband was on a long drive and picked up a young hitch-hiker. 

They had plenty of time to talk and my husband discovered the young man had little money and was hoping to get a job in the city. My husband shared his lunch with him, bought him a coffee and when they arrived in the city, he gave him bus fare and twenty dollars to help him out.  A simple act of kindness.
Meanwhile, I was at home and not aware of any of this.   
That same day, when I walked out of my house, there, lying in a puddle of water, was a twenty dollar bill!  
Only later when I spoke to my husband did we realize how magical this was! 


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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: This is pretty amazing, i hope that man got a job! :)
Mukulhot wrote: Reviews on memory foam mtesrats i property i’m constantly perception for interesting things to nearly a of subjects, but i control to allow your blog among my reads every day because you screw compelling entries that i visage transport to. Here’s hop i property i’m constantly perception for interesting things to nearly a of subjects, but i control to allow your blog among my reads every day because you screw compelling entries that i visage transport to. Here’s hoping there’s a lot many awing physi
Lucia wrote: We reap what we sow. Thank you for sharing.
irock wrote: Karma!
neetis19691 wrote: Continue with kindness it surely comes back!
Believe wrote: I don't want to bust your bubble, but i feel i must say that it wasn't a magical dollar, as much as that sounds wonderfu. It was god blessing you for blessing others. When we give, he rewards us and asks that we keep on giving and he will make a way for us to do that, just ask neekla above. It is easy to give when we have much, it is harder but much more rewarding to god when we have little and give anyway. Bless your husband for putting himself in danger to give an act of kindness.
Believe wrote: I don't want to bust your bubble, but i feel i must say that it wasn't a magical dollar, as much as that sounds wonderfu. It was god blessing you for blessing others. When we give, he rewards us and asks that we keep on giving and he will make a way for us to do that, just ask neekla above. It is easy to give when we have much, it is harder but much more rewarding to god when we have little and give anyway. Bless your husband for putting himself in danger to give an act of kindness.
cyjlo wrote: A truly wonderful story. Thank you for sharing. The universe is clearly at work. Peace and love from california!
denisemj wrote: That's amazing! So kind of your husband to pick up a hitch hiker.
smilecards wrote: I loved it but read this:hi, my friends and i loved smile cards and tried to think of something that would create more happiness! Then i came up with something! I came up with the smile shop! Maybe if all of us work together and make a smile shop then we would see everyone coming to the smile shop. It could have smile hats, shirts, pens, pencils, bags, backpacks, cards, badges, neclaces, bracelets, purses, keychains, and boats! All of these cool items could be made and have a big smile sticker on it! We could give all these out on a hot day in a park for free and tag them with a smile card so we will be doing double the kindness and it will create pure hapiness and everyone being happy!

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