Readers Comments
annjav wrote: Whew! That was a close call and an exciting story! What gets into kids, anyway! I guess this was your day to be guardian angel, tiffany!
Bluxess wrote: You did the right thing wanting to save the child not only from the street but being potentially alone ... Bless you Tiffany !
moral12 wrote: That WAS a close call; thank you for taking the time to be concerned for this child. Glad that it ended well.
heartofflesh wrote: You were there to help them. You answered your calling Great work !
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Bless you for taking the time to go back and make sure nothing happened! :)
A2Zmom4 wrote: I believe god guided you to that boy's aid. Thank you for taking care of his safety! Have a blessed day.
jsmc10 wrote: Wow, thank you for being there for this boy and helping him :)