Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing A Laughter Break

--by denisemj, posted Sep 8, 2012

It was a rainy day and I noticed that the lady coming into the senior center had holes in both shoes. Her toes were sticking through the shoes!

It wasn't really time for a break but I decided to take one so I could chat with this lady.
She told me that she does have other shoes but they are not as comfortable as the old ones. She also told me she was going blind and could barely see, and that she has a friend who took her in and helps care for her. Her children live in other states and can't afford to visit.
She started sharing some jokes and we both laughed. Laughter is good for the soul! 
When it was time for lunch, she said, "Thank You for taking the time to sit with me and listen to my jokes!"
We all need someone, sometimes, to just sit and listen and let us know we are important.
That was the best break I have taken in a long time!



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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Bless you, thank you for being there for her :)
giudittamaria wrote: What a lovely thing to do. Sounds like u did something this woman needed. Someome to talk to and laugh with. Good for you! Nemaste
Jami2d wrote: Sounds like what you gave her she needed a lot more than shoes with no holes. You must have a soft ear and a huge heart, two qualities that everybody wants in a friend, stay kind:)
Thaata wrote: Sharing time is more valuable than sharing money. The empathy it creates in a human being is beyond words.
moeketsi wrote: It was really nice. I wish could have one
madzick wrote: What a heart warming break that is. I'm sure that lady would treasure that moment with you. I have had an experience like that long before i knew this site. And yet i can still recall the moment.

Thanks for sharing.

God bless you!
sharon trousdale wrote: Thank you for that story today, it warmed my heart! ;«) i've been treated pretty cruely by my boyfriend's grown daughters off & on the past 2 years, but. It shows me that there are still kind people out there.
Lenea wrote: You shpwed me how important it is by just to have a small conversation with someone, you can change everybody's mood.
LD wrote: It was an inspiring account of the exchange between the two of you, showing also that helping or lifting someone doesn't have to take a lot of money. Or money at all.
RK wrote: It's such a moving story. I just appreciate that both of you are so kind! Enjoy it a lot!

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