Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gift for the Cashier

--by bjames3061, posted Sep 11, 2012

My friends and I recently returned from our annual week at the beach.  While we were there, a couple of us needed to pick up a few items at the grocery store.

As we were checking out, the cashier complimented me on my necklace.  I thanked her, and she asked where I bought it.  I had gotten it at the department store just down the street, and told her that it was on sale for 40% off.  My friend suggested that she should walk over and purchase one during her break. But the cashier said she couldn't afford it right now.  

As we left the grocery store, I told my friend I was tempted to buy one for her. She agreed, and offered to pay for half.  So we went back to the department store and picked out a matching necklace for the cashier. As we paid for it, the sales lady noticed that I was wearing the same one.

"You must really like this necklace," she commented.

We told her who we were buying it for, and after it was gift wrapped, we addressed it to the cashier at the grocery store, since I remembered it from her name tag. 

To our surprise, the sales lady knew her!

"She is a very sweet lady," she remarked, "But she is going through a rough patch right now and has to drive a long way to work. With gas prices so high, it sure isn't easy."

With excitement, we took the gift back to the grocery store and stood in line at the same cash register.  When our time came we just handed her the gift.  She knew immediately what we had done and was so thankful.

As we drove home today, we discussed how that random act of kindness probably meant more to us than it did to the recipient.  It feels so good to do nice things for others.  I grew up poor, with a single mother and two sisters. We had no help from our dad, and I never dreamed as a little girl that I would be able to help others.

Now, I try to do that on a regular basis, and it is so very rewarding!

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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Aww bless you, this must've meant a lot :)
Buny wrote: Wow. Love what you did!
Gilgenbach wrote: What a wonderful thing to do <3 may god bless you for showing that lady some kindness!
JoeMirror wrote: I admire your generosity and creativity! As a rule, the act of kindness does more good to the giver. Having said that, i was always wondering if the same is true for someone who makes anonymous act of kindness. In other words, i'd like to reach what some regard as the highest level of altruism - like anonymous donation. Just a thought. :) god bless,
bookworm58 wrote: Your a sweet angel for sure. I like to give gifts like that to special people i run into too. They are very special and its good to show how much they mean to you.
Jami2d wrote: Beautiful young ladies you two must be inside and out. You are a good friend and a good example. You set the bar for kindness high by going on instinct and your friend joined in. Kindness is contagious i tell you what. Thanks!
Frosty wrote: A great act of kindness that is rewarding to both. There is a tv commercial that follows those lines.
Suchitra wrote: Such a sweet gesture. This is what life is all about.
greg wrote: Wow, this is great. Thank you for letting us know, helps give us ideas of how to make others smile.
MarilynLCSW wrote: Awesome gesture- of both kindness, thoughtfulness, effort and "spreading it all around" as the salesperson came to know of your act. Way to go!

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