Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Something Warm

--by Anonymous, posted Mar 28, 2006
A few years ago, this southern Alabama town experienced unusually frigid weather, cold enough to knock out the power for days. My husband, braving the cold, was on the way to the grocery to resupply our perishibles, and passed a police officer. He was standing in the middle of a fairly remote and windblown intersection, directing traffic. He thought of the officer again when he'd completed his errands, thinking of how cold he must be, stopped at a convenience store and bought a large cup of hot chocolate or coffee, it escapes me now. But, when passing the officer again, he rolled down his window, passed the cup to the officer, and thanked him for his help. My husband's description of the expression on the officer's face was that he was surprised, and grateful. What a simple, easy way to practice these thoughts we have.
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Readers Comments

joanellenhoo wrote: Your story warmed me as well. Thanks to you and your hub.
deepak wrote: Hats off.
deepak wrote: Hats off.
deepak wrote: Hats off.
deepak wrote: Hats off.
deepak wrote: Hats off.
jsmc10 wrote: Such a simple but wonderful act :)
TXWildflower wrote: You husband did a very thoughtful and caring thing. I know that police officer was truly grateful for that hot cup of coffee on such a cold night! Thank you for sharing this with us.
bookworm58 wrote: Your story makes me smile. I too have gotten a drink to someone i thought could use it. Also give them a smile card too.

Its so special to be kind to someone.
intentionalB wrote: Your story makes me smile. What a great gift to help another person on the journey of life and just because he could~

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