Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness at the Pharmacy

--by crosby2126, posted Sep 22, 2012

Today is a difficult one. It is my Dad's birthday. He passed away last July from cancer. I so dreaded this day.

My husband and I picked up my Dad's sister, who was also just diagnosed with cancer. We took her out to breakfast.

She told us that earlier in the week, she had tried to get a prescription filled before starting chemotherapy. She couldn't afford to pay for it, so we decided to stop at a drug store and ask if there was a generic form of the medication that was less expensive.

I went inside and began talking to the pharmacist. I was alone at the counter when a women walked up and interrupted:

"Excuse me," she said, "I would like to pay for that."

She asked how much it was, and placed the money on the counter. I couldn't believe it. She just appeared out of nowhere!

I hugged the woman, and thanked her for her kindness. It meant so much. Then I noticed that on her shirt read the name of the town where my father had grown up.

I started to cry. The pharmacist began to cry and hugged me from across the counter.

"I've never seen anyone do that," she said.

This day that I had dreaded so much has turned into quite a blessing. I will never forget it!

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Readers Comments

Ferrari wrote: You made my cry.God bless you.
anyoneseven wrote: Great story! Thanks for sharing.
Jaai wrote: Such a wonderful, uplifting story. We never really ever know the extent of our own generosity. So may this be an encouragment to each of us to continue being a blessing because there is someone somewhere out there who needs a touch of our kindness today.
moni wrote: God bless all of you.

Thaata wrote: Amidst all the publicity that bad things get good deeds get lost. Thanks for the posting. Win over people by kindness.
moral12 wrote: How amazing that an angel showed up and paid for your aunt's prescription! Thank you for sharing your story.
TXWildflower wrote: What a wonderful uplifting story. I believe god sent an earth angel to help out that day. You and she were both blessed that day. Thanks for sharing your touching story! ♥
Sarah wrote: What an incredible story!
Franklin wrote: Amazing uplifting story. Indeed, god moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. Thanks for sharing such a blessing.
Chris wrote: So beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I know that god watches over us and will strengthen us in our time of need. Hang in there; one day, you will be with your dad again. Families are forever.

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